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Would like a little feedback.

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I just wanted to get a little feedback regarding something that is going on in my life right now. Let me know what you think.

I'm interested in this guy I work with. Now, don't panic, it's not what you think. We have known each other for almost 5 years. Through many of the changes that have ocurred at this company, I have been his boss, he has been my boss, and we are now in two separate departments. I have changed a lot physically since we first met. I have lost almost 100 lbs in the past 15 months and have matured a lot during that time. For a long time, I could not stand this guy. I thought he was an arrogant jerk, and I doubt he thought very highly of me.

We have not had a lot of contact with each other over the past year, since we are in separate departments. But recently, we have been doing a lot of running into each other. And I promise, some of it is not intentional. During this time, we have gotten to know a little about each other, and he has even been helping me with going back to school in January.

Something tipped me off a couple of months ago that makes me think he might be interested in me. I had to call his department to ask for a favor (I needed him to do something for me regarding a customer). He wanted to know what he would get out of the deal. When I asked him what he wanted, he stated, "dinner." There was quite a pause after this request because I was trying to figure out just what he was asking (I didn't want to jump to conclusions). I kinda blew it off and he did, too. So it hasn't been brought up again. But he has mentioned that one of his newer employees thought that I was his girlfriend. I'm not sure if he gets teased about it or if it was just a misunderstanding (yes, I do have to go out to his department on occasion to speak with him.)

At the advise of a mutual co-worker (who knows I am interested in someone, but does not know who), I have gotten a Hallmark card that simply says thank you (more or less for being a friend.) I will write in the card that I appreciate his help in answering my questions about going back to school in January. The co-worker states that with this card, I will be putting the ball in his court. If he's interested, then he will react to the card. If he'a not, then I have my answer and can move on.

What do you think?

By the way, I'm 25, single, no kids, never married. He's 29, single, 1 child, never married. It is not against the rules to date someone in a different department at our job.

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Well i like the option of what the friend suggested, Undoubtedly it does place the ball on his side of the court, If he is interested he will serve the ball back your way, The Positive side to this *for you* is u get to wait...while you sit and wait...Just make sure *when if he does* serve the ball back you can meet his Server half way with something more "direct" don't let the ball go past you for a few days, It will make him think YOUR not interested, I'm not really the type to play theses " Cat & Mouse" games.


You can sort of Sugar coat the Card with something Christmas-like, Perhaps a Candy Cane, or a small Rib bon Really it's being creative, and will probably make him want to fire back with something better.


Like Flowers, or a personal Visit with a verbal invitation to dinner, instead of saying it over the phone, OMG a total set-up for rejection, If he has any kind of confidence he will do it in person, so you can't dodge it like over the phone, but if your interested why would you, Right?

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