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College stress... and stuff

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I've felt so down this past week, but especially tonight, it's got really bad. I've had loads of work and assignments to do in college lately, its the 2nd year so things are starting to get really tough now. I just have so much work that i cant cope. I try to organise my time and write a list of all the things i need to get done in the day, but i'm so tired that i end up not having time to do much of what i'd planned cos i fall asleep. And the work i do hand in doesn't seem to reach the standard i want it too either. I'm on a real downer


Does anyone know a good way to cope with loads of essays and assignments and stuff and still have time to relax? I never feel like i can relax cos there's always something urgent that has to be done.


Oh and another thing that's getting me down is that i have to go away next year to another country as part of my course and i'm really not looking forward to it, and the closer it gets, the more panicked i get.

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Hi - I'm going through the same thing - the depression is killing me. Here are some tips - I should probably follow them myself lol.


1) Start early. Even if it seems like you have a lot to do start everything early. As a reward you will get to relax for an hour or two before you go to bed. I am the same way - I feel myself falling asleep before I get everything done - so its best to start in the morning when you get up out of bed.


2) If you need to, skip some classes to get your assignments done - Just make sure you won't be missing anything important and you can maybe get the notes from someone else.


3) Are you working at the same time as school? Cuz thats always a killer - you might want to consider taking a stress leave from work if it is getting in the way.


4) Try not to study at home - Go to a library or a coffee shop where you will not be distracted by the television and computer - you will get a lot more done if you do it in a different atmosphere. Coffee shops are always nice cuz u can sit and have a coffee while you do your work and there aren't many distractions - its actually very relaxing.


HOpe you pull through everything ok - Good luck

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In my 1st year I was good with assignments. Got them done a week before hand.


2nd year I got them done with a day or 2 to go.


3rd year I often did them on the day before it had to be handed in (stupid really)


Final dissertation, I ended up failing due to leaving it so late and having to hand it in early as io had to go with my parents on holiday. So i passed all my exams and assignments for 3 years then had to let myself down at the last hurdle. I've now got a bog standard degree with no (Hons) as of yet and have been given the cahcne to resubmit a project again in April.


So don't do what i did, get your head down. Theres plenty of time for work and fun at uni if u plan your time right.

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