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Hi not been here in a while, for those who know my story yes ive done it again my ex contacted me we got back together he was going through a bad time waiting for a major op so in the lead up to his op he was nervous and really distant with me so I gave him space but one day I said he was inconsiderate we argued a bit and he dumped me again!


he had his op I went to see him and text him from time to time to see how he was things were ok with us so I backed off with the contact then last week out of the blue he text he missed me ask how I was I didn't reply because I thought he thinks he can dip in and out of my life when he wants


so he text again saying why didn't I reply I said I was busy then last week he asked me to go and see him which stupidly I did he asked me to stay over I refused he said he didn't want a relationship with me at the moment until he is fully well again and that he had things on his mind


I have not heard from him since and I haven't contacted him either


I just feel so stupid yet again and hurt why oh why do I do this to myself

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thank you for your replies this time iam done with all this crap I know I deserve better


Good for you! Take that power back and celebrate the first day of the rest of your life without someone who just dragged you down. You are worth so much more than that and deserve a man who will confide in you when he's stressed not pull away. That is a major red flag. Now you know, don't let yourself fall for that behavior in the future.

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