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I'm confused of how she acts towards me now.


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My girlfriend and I barely have a month together. Believe me when I say that we are head over heels for each other we always become lovey dovey all the time we would text as much even if we are busy and we would try to find days to hang out.


But all that has changed 2 days before completing our 1 month she became so irrelevant and preoccupied with things. She wouldn't text me good morning anymore nor even bother sending me a text until I send her one or until she wants to text me. When we do stike up a conversation she started delaying and gives me the excuse of her becoming busy and she apologizes for the late replies. I tell her that its alright and I understand. Now she seems distant from me like if something is bugging her. She doesn't even tell me days about hanging out and she just stopped saying I love you. I questioned her about it and she says that she still is the same and still loves me, but deep down in my gut I know something Is wrong I know this feeling because it has happened to us before becoming a couple, I had a gut feeling and I was right about it. At some points it hurts me the way she becomes with me and I just feel bad like I'm unloved or unwanted. Like she doesn't want to be with me anymore. When I feel like this I just want to distant myself as well and give her her space. But I'm fighting to know why is she acting like that.


Any ideas for you guys?

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So I am on the fence...


are you dealing with any insecurity? Maybe you're creating all of this? Just because she doesn't text you in the AM, doesn't mean something is up.


And for 2 days? And you think the relationship is over?



Maybe something is going on and she is bad with communicating. OR you're stressing for nothing.

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So I am on the fence...


are you dealing with any insecurity? Maybe you're creating all of this? Just because she doesn't text you in the AM, doesn't mean something is up.


And for 2 days? And you think the relationship is over?



Maybe something is going on and she is bad with communicating. OR you're stressing for nothing.


She just went from acting lovey dovey to acting careless drastically... Shouldn't I be concerned about it?

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How old are you guys?


And --saying "I love you" within a month of dating sounds like highschool age ---- and relationships really don't last long at the stage of life. I would say that the novelty of the "relationship" wore off and she is busy with other stuff.

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My girlfriend and I barely have a month together. Believe me when I say that we are head over heels for each other we always become lovey dovey all the time we would text as much even if we are busy and we would try to find days to hang out.


But all that has changed 2 days before completing our 1 month she became so irrelevant


Do you mean irreverant or indifferent? Irrelevant means "not applicable" or "unnecessary".


and preoccupied with things. She wouldn't text me good morning anymore nor even bother sending me a text until I send her one or until she wants to text me. When we do stike up a conversation she started delaying and gives me the excuse of her becoming busy and she apologizes for the late replies. I tell her that its alright and I understand. Now she seems distant from me like if something is bugging her. She doesn't even tell me days about hanging out and she just stopped saying I love you. I questioned her about it and she says that she still is the same and still loves me, but deep down in my gut I know something Is wrong I know this feeling because it has happened to us before becoming a couple, I had a gut feeling and I was right about it. At some points it hurts me the way she becomes with me and I just feel bad like I'm unloved or unwanted. Like she doesn't want to be with me anymore. When I feel like this I just want to distant myself as well and give her her space. But I'm fighting to know why is she acting like that.


Any ideas for you guys?


AT one month in, I would imagine that she's thinking she rushed too fast into something with you and her life is now demanding the attention she put aside to "play" with you for a month.


Also, it's a bit too soon for you to be feeling like you're unloved or unwanted with someone you barely even know. You're still at the point where you're getting to know one another. If this was 6 or months into it, I'd say a problem is brewing, but at one month? You sound like you need something to occupy your time. Do you rush into your relationships like this all the time?


I say back up off the "I need to be glued to your side" stuff--that sounds really, really needy and clingy.

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How old are you guys?


And --saying "I love you" within a month of dating sounds like highschool age ---- and relationships really don't last long at the stage of life. I would say that the novelty of the "relationship" wore off and she is busy with other stuff.


Does age really matter? and we are both college students... We have a history behind us where I guess we just started to love each other. Having mutual feelings.

Yea maybe she did become busy because she always been saying she is busy.


Do you mean irreverant or indifferent? Irrelevant means "not applicable" or "unnecessary".




AT one month in, I would imagine that she's thinking she rushed too fast into something with you and her life is now demanding the attention she put aside to "play" with you for a month.


Also, it's a bit too soon for you to be feeling like you're unloved or unwanted with someone you barely even know. You're still at the point where you're getting to know one another. If this was 6 or months into it, I'd say a problem is brewing, but at one month? You sound like you need something to occupy your time. Do you rush into your relationships like this all the time?


I say back up off the "I need to be glued to your side" stuff--that sounds really, really needy and clingy.


Whoops yea that's what I meant


Yea I understand I guess I just have to keep open minded about things. I'm just so afraid of losing her after all the effort I put to get with this girl. I fought for her and now I'm with her. I guess that's what I have to do is just back off. And I wouldn't know if I rush because I have never even been in a relationship till now

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Do you have any hobbies? How do you occupy yourself with your free time? Do you hang out with your friends a lot?



If she picks up on the fact that you're constantly worried every-time she gets busy, it will come off as very unattractive and ruin the relationship.



You say you have a lot of history... how long have you known her? You made it sound like you met a month ago.

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Does age really matter? and we are both college students... We have a history behind us where I guess we just started to love each other. Having mutual feelings.

Yes, in many cases age does in deed matter for us to help with advice as teenagers are more likely to be fickle. I am guessing that the history has led the two of you into a relationship and now she isn't feeling what she had hoped she would feel or get from it and now she is kinda turning cold.


I'm just so afraid of losing her after all the effort I put to get with this girl. I fought for her and now I'm with her. I guess that's what I have to do is just back off. And I wouldn't know if I rush because I have never even been in a relationship till now


Perhaps that fear of losing her is playing a part in things. She most likely senses that and it may be causing her concern. Ever heard the saying "We bring to us the things we fear"?

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Do you have any hobbies? How do you occupy yourself with your free time? Do you hang out with your friends a lot?



If she picks up on the fact that you're constantly worried every-time she gets busy, it will come off as very unattractive and ruin the relationship.



You say you have a lot of history... how long have you known her? You made it sound like you met a month ago.



yes I do have hobbies and have things to occupy my free time and I do hang out with friends and run errands and such... it's just the fact that I'm just so used to us texting a lot.


I don't get worried about her getting busy I understand that she gets busy I'm just worried because of the way she started acting with me... before this weekend that has passed by she would text me back even in her busy hours sometimes not all the times. *sigh* I think I should just back off.. but what can I do from constantly telling her I'm worried she probably already has the mindset of it being annoying. What can I do? Should I just give her, her space and let her message me when she can? Even if she doesn't message me the whole day? I don't know how to act on these type of things because I never even been in a relationship.


yes I've known her for nearly 3 years now and I have crushed on her since day 1 and she knew about my crush she just wasn't ready for a relationship till now.

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Yea I understand I guess I just have to keep open minded about things. I'm just so afraid of losing her after all the effort I put to get with this girl. I fought for her and now I'm with her. I guess that's what I have to do is just back off. And I wouldn't know if I rush because I have never even been in a relationship till now


Fought who or what? I don't get it--something that is meant to be doesn't require fighting. Fighting connotes incompatiblity.


yeah, one month in and you're glued to her hip and telling her you love her is rushing. As I said, you barely even know one another. You don't know how each other handles a crisis. You're already freaking out because she has a life that she has to tend to and you're equating it with her not "loving" you. That's due to rushing... what you two have does not support where you think you are.

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