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Hah, my first sexual experience is something that I thought was supposed to be great, but it wasn't. It was with my HS g/f at the time, and we were only dating for about 3 months before it happened. It kinda just happened. A friend of mine came to school with a bag full of condoms, gave me some, and when I told her she said "let's use one right now". And she meant right now. We had sex on the bleachers by the baseball field, and it was horrible. It was just so akward and weird, and we both were just horny and wanted to do it. Anyways if I had to rate it, I would give it a 3. She get's a few points just for willingness and flexibility, but the sex just didn't feel good or "right" at all.

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So you felt coherced, sort of forced into it, by the arrival of the condums and your girlfriend's willingness to do it right away...it seems like a fantacy almost to do it in public at a high school location, but the reality was that there was a lot of pressure to perform and who knows who was watching!


I ran into some guys that are about your age that I used to babysit and one of them was married and said to his wife, "she is the one that taught us how to kiss!!" Not so fast--he and his brother were about ages 6-10 during those years, and I was 18!! I said, I did not! I was like 10 years older than you guys, and they said, no we used to spy on you and Bo (my husband) kissing!! That I didn't realize!!


Teenage romance is kind of funny...

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well i don't have any stories about sex but i can tell about my first experience with 2nd base... it was my first gf last year, and we were on a charter bus heading up to nyc for a school art trip... we got the back of the bus with the 3 seats cause we were two tall people. on the way back, we were driving through the lincoln tunnel with the lights of the tunnel flashing between the windows... we started kissing and it was really awesome... things got heavier and we really didn't stop until we got back home and the lights came on. great memories

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My first time was pretty crappy.

I had just turned 19 and it was with my first girlfriend (yeah, I wasn't the most popular person). Anyways, it was about 4 months after we started going out.

Being that I am a shy person, she was in the drivers seat as far as how far things would go. The weekend before it happened we were swimming in her pool and she said she wanted to do it there. Since I didn't know if she was on the pill or not, I said no because we didn't have a condom.

The next weekend we were watching a movie in her basement. It was getting late and her mom was going to be home soon. So we went into her bedroom and did it. It wasn't so great. She didn't want to take her shirt off, so I didn't either. There was no foreplay either.


I would give it a 1 out of 10.

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Wanderer--great story...


The other guys seem like they were both with very demanding girlfriends who wanted the guy to perform to show his feelings for her. I especially liked the one in the pool who said no!! That is great. Guys need to retain their freedom to say no to unwanted sexual advances, as well as women.


When the sex is mutual and is a part of a relationship, then it feels better emotionally and physically, safer.

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I especially liked the one in the pool who said no!! That is great. Guys need to retain their freedom to say no to unwanted sexual advances, as well as women.

It was definitely hard to turn down losing my virginity. Either way, I think it's important to have a crappy first time. You can't truly appreciate good sex until you've had bad sex. Of which I have had my fair share.

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You know I think that I agree with that too. It seems like it is best to be in a committed relationship where the sex comes on more slowly and naturally than in a relationship that the person is designating as the way that they will "lose their virginity or seek revenge on their ex, " etc.


Those kinds of encounteres are doomed to fail.

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I was 20 and my girlfriend was 16, she had been with one other guy before sexually but said she had kissed about 8 guys, is that a normal thing to say when shes lying on top of me? Anyway, we kissed for about half an hour on the couch and then started getting more involved and although we didn't go all the way we spent the next half hour getting undressed while playing with each other. We both brought each other to orgasm. I would rate the whole experience about 8/10. I would rather do what we did than have intercourse anyway. And she said I was the best kisser she had ever kissed and it was my first time (I didn't tell her that though!

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I guess the point of this is that sex is only good when it is mutual and makes both people happy. We ( men and women )need to really feel something to be able to function in a satisfactory way. Sex should never be unplanned or wanted by only one member of the couple. It needs to be negotiated and equally agreed upon.

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I guess the point of this is that sex is only good when it is mutual and makes both people happy. We ( men and women )need to really feel something to be able to function in a satisfactory way. Sex should never be unplanned or wanted by only one member of the couple. It needs to be negotiated and equally agreed upon.


I agree with that to the T. That's why I felt like it was my first time when I was first having sex with my current g/f, and she felt the same way (even though it wasn't our first time). Everything just felt so right, and we both wanted to experience it with each other, as well as both of us really feeling "two bodies becoming one flesh" was true when we are with each other. The first time we had sex we both looked at each other and we both said it felt like our first time, and that everything before that never "really" happened, and that this is what it really felt like to be sexually, physically, mentally, and spiritually satisfied. I don't know if any of this makes sense, but it just came to my mind after reading your post.

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Oh yes, I know exactly what you are saying. Since the 1960's -- people have felt that is it too intense to feel certain feelings openly. In society, we talk so much about sex and scoring, that we forget that making love is what really matters.


The problem with not allowing ourselves to feel the closeness and warmth of another human being in the act of love, we think that fornication is the best that we can do. This is so far from the truth. People are just afraid to be warm and open toward one another. Then when the sex cools off a little, they feel justified in taking on another lover. Sex can always be rekindled in a relationship where it has wained.


It takes a little work and some warm reguard and that is about it.

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...but said she had kissed about 8 guys, is that a normal thing to say when shes lying on top of me?

The first time I went down on a girl (same girl I lost my virginity to) she told me that she planned on being a lesbian for a year in college.

I didn't really know how to react to that, so I didn't really say anything. I had just finished going down on her, and it was the first thing she said; I was a little shocked.

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Talk about open-communication...these girls really know who they are and what they want! Imagine to announce to a guy that you are going to be a lesbian....I think for many guys that would turn them on, but I guess in the heat of the sheets, you cannot always say exactly what level of honesty is appropriate to the other person.


Live and let live. I am starting to think that being gay is sort of like a fetish.

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...but said she had kissed about 8 guys, is that a normal thing to say when shes lying on top of me?

The first time I went down on a girl (same girl I lost my virginity to) she told me that she planned on being a lesbian for a year in college.

I didn't really know how to react to that, so I didn't really say anything. I had just finished going down on her, and it was the first thing she said; I was a little shocked.


That sounds to me like it might have been some kind of joke.

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...I think for many guys that would turn them on, but I guess in the heat of the sheets, you cannot always say exactly what level of honesty is appropriate to the other person.

Well, I would normally find this to be a huge turn on. I mean, there aren't too many other things she could say that would signal the 'go-ahead' to push for a threesome.

However, at the time I was very sexually inexperienced and a threesome could only have lead to embarrassment. Also, her closest girlfriend at the time "got-around" quite a bit and I prefer to be STD-free.... just a personal preference.

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Heres my first ever sexual experience.


I had just turned 19, and I had just started college. I was still kinda scared of talkin to girls, so I tried and online adult dating site. I always had a thing for older women, so I pretty much went after any age woman I could get. So I ended up talkin to a 49 year old mother of 2, and a couple of days later I drove down and met her at a motel. We talked a little bit about sex stuff, then we went into a hot tub and we started at it.

Then we moved onto the bed, and she rode me hard and took my virginity. We ended up doin a lot more positions lasting for about 40 minutes.

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My first was a few weeks ago, I went to 2nd with a girl in the movie theater, we had been frenching for a while and then I reached in her shirt and had some fun, then I put my other finger in her pants and got my first feel of the female organs, that was enlightening. I started masturbating her so I think she enjoyed it, because her breathing changed to that pattern you get when you masturbate.

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