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Im trying to heal but I need some help first

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well I was wrong it wasnt a break it is comfirmed that it was a break up. And I got the boot because my noe ex-girlfriend has liked a guys personality for about 2 weeks now that just started to work with her. I told her that I understand why she did it, and its because it makes her happy to be with this person. Im guessing that she no longer saw happiness between me and her. So right now even though I said that I understand why she did it, it hurts so bad, I still can't sleep at night or eat, but I did stop puking and coughing blood from it. I ask anyone out there, how can I move away from her and move on with my life without unleashing anger onto her, because I wish to be her friend like she wants, and how can i keep it a strong relationship as a friend?

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as a fellow 17 year old guy, i can relate to your situation because the same thing happened to me, except my ex was cheating on me with an ex while we were dating, and she ended up dumping me because she felt guilty (she didn't admit that but it's what i gathered)


i know it really really sucks, i'm not going to be one of those people to say "get over it, sissy" because i was where you are now about 3 months ago. when she goes to another guy so quickly, it makes us dumped guys feel terrible, like she didn't ever care. it also makes us feel bad that they're so happy with their new guy while we're left with nothing but memories.


lots of people will say, "she doesn't deserve you, you'll find someone better" so after a while it will stop being helpful to hear it. one of the hardest parts is convincing yourself that it's only hurtful to tell yourself that she made a mistake, that she'll eventually see her errors and come crawling back to you. this sometimes happens, but not commonly. it sucks, it really does. i try to tell myself that even if she did come back, would i really want her back? do i want someone who could throw me out from another guy without seeming to have any regrets or concerns for my feelings? when people say "you can do better" they are more or less correct. you do deserve better. i can tell you do because if you weren't interested in loyalty and a strong relationship, you wouldn't have found this site.


i can't say anything to make you heal faster... that's up to you, and it takes different amounts of time to do so for each person. i can do what others on this site do and offer encouragement and advice, but ultimately this is something you're going to think through yourself. it sucks, again, i know it really sucks majorly. if you want to talk, pm me and we can talk on aim or soemthing. good luck, i totaly know how you feel.

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