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Should I Tell Her How I Feel


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Well their is this girl i like in my math class and I asked her to the movies but she was busy with thanksgiving this week so I asked her for 1 week after thanksgiving and she said she would have to see if she is busy. Should i just come out and tell her that i have fallen in love with her or should I wait to tell her that at the movies? And What do i do until the movies do i keep talking to her and stuff?

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See how she reacts at the movies first...Don't suddenly blurt out your in love with her she may not feel the same way and is giving the busy excuse because maybe she doesnt like you....Try inviting another friend and make it look like a friendly trip rather than a date.



Then ask her to come to grab something to eat but make it so your other friend has got to dash then get talking and gradually express your feelings or ask her if she just wants to go one on one some time



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I think you are getting too ahead of yourself, she hasnt even agreed to a date and you already want to tell that you feel that you love her. Thats too bold and scary. I think that you need to examine what love is because it seems that what you have with this girl is infatuation. I also believe that you have to come to the conclusion that she has turned you down twice and the odds of you even going out with her are slim.

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Do not tell her you love her. You have to know first if she's interested, and right now it seems like her interest level is low if she keeps on telling you she's busy. An interested girl does make time for it. Don't give up yet. Keep trying, but don't pour out your feelings yet - its not going to have any positive effect if she's not yet interested. You're going to have to amplify her interest in you.

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Ok she did not reject me the first time she cant go is because her parents are devoiced and she has to go to her days this entire week. But she did say she would go "IF SHE IS NOT BUSY". So you cant tell me thats a turn down.


Sorry, but I can tell you it is, and I am.

Like the other poster said, if shes interested, she can make time.

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Well their is this girl i like in my math class and I asked her to the movies but she was busy with thanksgiving this week so I asked her for 1 week after thanksgiving and she said she would have to see if she is busy. Should i just come out and tell her that i have fallen in love with her or should I wait to tell her that at the movies? And What do i do until the movies do i keep talking to her and stuff?


Dude, never tell a girl you love her. Unless you are in a relationship. It scares them. Go on the date, and when the time is right, try to kiss her. If she lets you, she likes you. If not, move on.

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If her parents just got divorced she may be in need of a friend more than a date, depending on how tough the divorce has been on her. Make sure you are there for her. Try to do something fun with her and show her a good time. She'll probably be really appreciative of it and may take into consideration what a nice guy you are should you eventually decide to tell her you like her. Don't rush into anything, but don't give up either. Good luck.

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