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Not sure of myself anymore.

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Because of a long distant relationship collapsing, my self esteem has pretty much gone downhill. I feel really paranoid and not up to par on my appearance. I've gained a few pounds so that's not helping either... I've been under a lot of stress also with school, and since I just started highschool I feel like all my friends are finding new people and leaving me in the dust. It's not really as bad as I probably am making it sound, but I think its getting worse since I end up crying over the stupidest little things now. I get frustrated easily too. I just don't know what to do.

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I've felt like that lots too, the best thing to do is not be miserable, i'm not saying that to be mean cos i've done it alot. Look on the bright side of things, make an effort with your friends to do things with them, i know things are tough, but it takes a strong person to go on and keep smiling. And the closer you become to your friends, the happier you'll be and i'm sure they'll be there to help you if you're struggling. Try talking to them. Everything will work out!

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Try to look at the good things in your life. Realize that this guy is the one who is losing out on the chance to be with an amazing person like you. Take the time to have fun doing something you like to do. And if you are concerned about losing your friends, make an extra effort to hang out with them. It's okay to be feeling down if you've hit a hard stretch in your life. It's okay to be sad and depressed for awhile. But don't let the sorrow overwhelm you. Have fun, look on the bright side, and believe in yourself. Things will get better.

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