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Yeah my girlfriend has a problem with public displays of affection we all give it the acronymn (PDA) I hold hands with her and kiss her and hold her but she seems to have a problem with it...the other problem is how i found it all out...i had one of her friends ask her. How should i talk to her about this and what do i do to fix it

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She will appreciate you coming to her and making sure that her needs are being met. Maybe she's afraid to hurt your feelings, so she hasn't said anything. There are a million reasons to choose from as far as WHY she might be uncomfortable, but you'll never know the right answer until you talk to her. And, for future reference, it will make a better impression on people if you don't use a middle man to solve your problems (ie sending her friend to find out information for you). Do the brave thing and ask her yourself. It shows her that you respect her, and that you're willing to work through things with her. Good luck!

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