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im 13 and i dont know what to do

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I think that maybe you should talk to a counselour or something like that. keeping your feelings inside won't do anything but hurt you. Then maybe after talking to someone who is on the outside, you will be able to tell your mother. If i had a child i would want to know what is going on in thier life. that is just me though. but you should talk to someone just to get your feelings out. when i talk to someone about my feelings, even if they don;t say anything back, it helps me realize more things about myself, and how i truly feel not just what i think that i am feeling.

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It sounds like he has feelings for a boy and wants to talk to someone about it. I think the idea of talking to a counselor or someone else that you can trust that will keep your confidence until you are ready to tell your family or mom is a good idea. Do you have someone like that at school that you can talk to? Do you know anyone who is gay? I was going to suggest maybe talking to them. Good luck and keep us posted!

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Wow!! You seem pretty confident that you are gay. Confidence is always a good thing whether you're gay or straight. I really can't offer any advice straight up without knowing anything about your situation. All that I can say is that you really should find someone to talk to. Trust me...I know that it is hard to tell anyone at first, but doing so can only help you in your own life.


I'm not a therapist or anything, but if you want someone to talk to that can relate to your situations and offer advice and support....feel free to PM me.

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Personally I love having gay friends their really outgoing and cool to be around with so dont feel bad of how you feel towrads guys, everyone has the right to love. Look just be straight up with your mom and tell her the truth and I know its going to be hard but you would feel much better after you express your feelings to your mom. Shes your mom and no matter what shes still going to love you its just gonna take some time for her to understand you but give her time and be patience


hope my advice helps, alisey

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I think that you should perhaps talk to your mom about it. I know that talking to her about such a controversial subject will be really difficult. There are still so many places in the world that aren't quite used to people having feelings for the same sex openly. But if you ever want to go out with a guy, then you'll have to tell her. It may be hard for her to face the fact that she will never have a daughter-in-law(unless you have a brother who plans on marrying a girl someday), but trust me, it'll be even harder for her the longer you wait. By not telling her, you're lying to her, and you'll probably feel a lot better once you've come out to her. If ya ever want to talk, I'm here.

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Personally I love having gay friends their really outgoing and cool to be around with so dont feel bad of how you feel towrads guys, everyone has the right to love. Look just be straight up with your mom and tell her the truth and I know its going to be hard but you would feel much better after you express your feelings to your mom. Shes your mom and no matter what shes still going to love you its just gonna take some time for her to understand you but give her time and be patience


hope my advice helps, alisey

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One of my best friends is gay, so I have an idea of what youre going through. I wanted to say that I think it's wonderful you're so confident already! It took my friend 7 years after realizing he was gay to ask a guy out/come out of the closet to his parents. In the meantime he talked to monstly me and a counselor. He said that it really helped to talk to someone else before tackling his parents.


If it makes you feel any better school counselors have confidentiality agreements, so legally they aren't allowed to tell your parents anything (unless it endangers another student or is illegal).



Feel free to PM me if you want to talk!

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nexus, that's pretty judgmental. Are you gay yourself?


It's not uncommon for people to realize from a young age that they are gay. It just depends. If you think about it, almost everyone is brought up in a heterosexual family and those are the types of relationships that are modeled early in life. So it would make sense that it might take someone longer to realize their orientation.


Also, you don't have to have sex to know what you prefer. It's not just about sex, it's about feelings and attractions. And believe me, you can't help who you are attracted to or fall for.

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and nobody really cares if your gay or not, especially in high school...... nobodys judgemental there!


Sorry but I beg to differ. That really depends on where you go to school at, and who your friends are. In six years of going to the same school, There was not one gay person that came out. Now thats almost 600 kids. According to scientific data, there must have been some that were gay...unless its just a serious coincidence--which I highly doubt. But if the people at my school found out someone was gay it wouldve been bad. Some people would've just ignored you. Some would've been OK with it. Then there is those that would hate you and make your life a hell for it.

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i think im bi too.... im really christian though, and i always liked both since i was 3 years old.... i dont know why, i mean really i would rather be straight because of my religion...


do any of you believe in god? do you think that gay people and bi people and straight people with even the slightest taste for the same sex go to hell? it says so in the bible.... and i really dont think thats fair by god becasue when i was younger i never realized that i was bi but now i do and its not a choice you make because you are lustful or whatever, its just like everyone else. you fall for who you like.....

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