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is it to late for us ....... i need help i am going crazy...

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i am 19 and i have been living with me bf for 7 to 8 mounth.I love him alot but this paste 2 mounth has been hell for me .. at the beging i told him how i was and it was alright with him i told him that i like to go out and have fun .. and i told him what i do when i go out .. but he alway think that i am going to go out to find a other man .and i told him to go out with me and he never want me to. The onlything he want is to do is stay at home or go to the movies and it is cool with me but that is not the only thing i like to do . Evertime my friend call me to go out i ask him if i can and he always say no . (it like if i was his kid are somthing) and we alway end up fighting about that i am so tired of telling him tha same thing over and over . he make me feel bad i don't like people tell me what to do .... Yes i see all the other thing he does for me and i thank him for that but thair are other thing that are soposto come out of are relasonship. even in bed at the beging it was nice but in the middel of the relasonship and intill now we have sex when he want to . get got to the point that i was beging for sex and that made me fell like *beep* .. like if i wasn't good are something .. i really love this man and i want it to work but sometimes i feel that it to late ... he is looking for help and this 2 day it has been nice and all but i think it is to late i really love him and i want it to work and i am trying my best to fix something about me and he is to and he is really happy about doing it but i don't know what to do . it has gotten to the point that i drink just to forget about what is going on in my life (when i say drink i really mine it i drink so much that i don't remember what i did).now he get mad cuz i am on the computer he say's i am alway on the computer .. He got mad cuz i gave my cel#to one person and now he is alway reading my messages and stuff i reall don't now what to do know more i am allway talking to him and telling him how i feel .... but the fact is that i love him alot and i now that is is trying to fix thing with us and his slef ..but i wounder if it to late for us ....Sometimes i am happy and sometimes i am not i don't know what to do know more






PS: SOMETIMES I FEELING LIKE GOING AWAY AND NEVER LOOKING BACK .. but my love for him doesn't let me .......... it feel like my head is going to ................ >



PSS sorry about the miss spelling i am just up set right now

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Well kiddo it is now aparent that you both are diffrent and like diffrent things. NO matter what happens you have to do what makes you happy and if thats going out , then go out. Think real hard about what your priorites are and when he gets jelouse that means he is insecure and if he is going to be like that it will never work. I almost lost my girlfriend to that. I believe that fate only takes you so far, you control your destiny. Dont drink your problems away, go find a quite place that is just yours and go there and think and ask yourself is this what i want ? If it is why am i so unhappy. YOu sound like a great girl and great girl dont need to be treated bad. It sounds like he is being nosey with your stuff tell him to knowck it off , lay downt the law. If he feels the same way he will listen to you. I think that you should ditch this guy because i think that he does not trust you and if you dont have trust you dont have anything. They always say if you love something let it go and if it loves you back it will come back, then maybe he will relize he dident know what he had till it was gone. Thats my word of mouth----Scottie B 8)

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Thanks for the message that you have posted. I'm sorry to hear about your relationship situation at present.


Well, I think the both of you need better communication before the both of you can work anything else.


Have you try to ask him why doesn't he go out with you and your friends? Could it because, the sort of things you and your friends do that he doesn't like? Or your friends doesn't get along with him and so he felt left out? These the sort of problems you must talk over it and seek some answer from him.


I am not saying that he is wrong nor you are right. The problems you have are quite common and so don't worry and allow this to affect your relationship with him. Think of the good points of him and see whether that is what you want. But everything requires a composite from both of you.


Good luck.



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I've been on both sides of this and heres the thing. You guys can adapt to eachother. But if he's the stay at home type and you're the part girl you guys are simply not going to mesh in the LONG RUN.


However, if you're not worried about the long run or if you really love him then you need to stand up for yourself. Tell him that you guys are together but that you are going to have a life apart from him, especially if he isn't willing to take into account YOUR interests, wants and feelings.


Remember, a relationship is give or take hun and it seems like he's doing all the taking. Wise up, lay down some ground rules. If he loves you as much as you love him then he will try to be more accomodating. And he isn't willing to do that, then you know that you simply cannot remain with him for the sake of your self-respect

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