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Should I be worried of pregnancy?

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After having sex with my gf a little while ago, I noticed something about the condom I used. Some of the semen that couldnt fit in the tip of the thing started to run down the condom around my penis till about 2/3 of the way down. I dont think the stuff reached all the way to the end of the condom, but I still worry about this.


When I pulled the condom off, I checked it again for leaks and stuff, and there was none of that, except once again I saw that some little bit of semen was around the bottom part of it.


Would there be any chance that some of that stuff came out the bottom of the condom, and if so what would be the chance that it would be a cause of concern. Im thinkin that the very bottom of the condom never actually got all the way into her because i didnt thurst it in that much, and also if anythin did come out it would be very little.


Any help on this would be very much appreciated.

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Did the condom you use have spermicide in it? If so then the probabiltiy is really low. Also that's usual for the semen to leak down to the base, since it's a fluid and will find it's way down. It's very unlikely that this semen would be a large cause for concern, but just keep your eyes open for warning signs. If she starts getting sick in the morning, period is coming late, or other such things, then you may want to go take a test or go to the doctor. In my opinion though I think things would be fine.

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The semen around the base of it could be from when you removed the condom. The probablility of pregnancy is low because i doubt that it the semen actually leaked out, but if you are still worried then i suggest you inform your girlfriend and pehaps purchase the "morning-after" pill.



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It only takes one sperm to fertilize an egg. If this is causing you stress, go to a pharmacy and purchase the morning after pill for your girlfriend. There are two types, get the one with two pills. She takes one straight away, and then the other after 12 hours exactly, this method is highly effective the sooner you do it. You can take this pill up to 3 days exactly of intercourse. There is always a possibility for pregnancy so i highly recommend to get the morning after pill just so you can be safe and rest your mind about it. Because there is nothing worse then stressing about nothing...


contact me if you need more info

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