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Talking to someone for months via text and NEVER hanging out, help?

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So I'm in a confusing spot. I have a friend who I text almost every day. He initiates it more than I do, but I do initiate as well. It just seems unavoidable that we text so much, because one of us will find a funny picture or interesting article and have to show the other. The problem is we've been texting for a good 6 months, and have hung out only twice.


To be fair, he was away at school for 4 of those months. But we texted that entire time and I was certain when he came back, we were going to hang out. We'd only hung out once thus far. So when he semi-desparately needed a ride back from college and asked me, I jumped at the offer because here he was coming back, and we could hang out. So I picked him up from college, 3 hours away, we explored the city a bit, got completely lost, then found our way and came home. And he unintentionally spent the night at my house because no one was at his place to unlock the door for him. I was certain this would be the beginning of a blooming friendship, but it's now been almost a month and we haven't hung out since this.


HE actually brought up the idea and suggested we go to the city again to explore and I was down. But he said he needs to get more money first. But the other day, I jokingly said, "hang out with me a.s.s.h.o.l.e" when he said he was bored, and got no response.


I feel like he won't hang out with me unless we're doing something super fun. Which leads me to believe I'm just being used as someone to hang out with when complete boredom sets in. Should I end this text-based friendship? I'm starting to get bored with texting all the time and don't see our friendship going anywhere in real life...


Let me also say that he's a guy, and I'm a girl. But our friendship's platonic and I don't think he's into me like that. I do find him attractive, but don't think he's someone who I could date. He's too shy and introverted for me. But I also realize he might be upset if the person he's been texting everyday for months, suddenly decides not to anymore. How do I gently end a text-based friendship? I've never come accross anyone with this problem before, and that's why I'm asking for help lol. Because I don't know what to do. Thanks for the help


Oh also - we work together but can't talk much at work (too busy) and we're going to be at the same college in fall....but then of course, he'll have his own group of friends and I'll likely have mine

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I don't think there is a particular rule to end this, so you can just end it like it never happened if you want, but I do think a minimum of respect such as giving him the answers he wants if he asks them to be a fair treatment. Otherwise, stop initiating. Ignore a few more.

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