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I found out i think im bipolar :-?

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Ok i found that not only am i depressed but im also partly bipolar i think.It kidn of sucks cause my mood constantly changes.Its like sometimes im all happy and want to go to school and have a great day.Then sometimes ill feel horrible like i want to die and nothing is alright around me or anything.Sometimes i feel like maybe i look alright and maybe ill get a gf.Then sometimes i feel like an ugly pathetic loser who would never get a gf in his life.IS anybody else bipolar and how do u cope with it?Im going to be seeing a psychiatrist in 13 days and hopefully ill get something out of that.

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Very fortunate...My father and my brother both have bipolar. My brother is also Axis 1 which comes with a personality disorder. And his bipolar is as extreme as it gets..and has been diagnosed 3 times. I have been studying on bipolar this past month for an upcoming oral project...along with psychology being my major. Bipolar is very hard to detect in some ways..You will have episodes of highs and lows...to very extreme...beyond the average person. Its very hereditary as well. One thing I've learned is that you cant try and diagnose yourself or you will be giving your body emotions as "selffufilling prophacies"...in other words.living up to standards of a bi polar person...which can alter your mind to act in such ways. I'd say..wait til you see your doctor and he/she will give you the best tips for you..and for your degree of it..Good luck..If you have any questions-I'll be sure to want to answer I'm pretty fimiliar with the topic

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don't have too much hope for psychiatrist. they don't usually help mich. if any of them actually help people i haven't met him/her. they help a little i guess. but they're not you so they won't know everything.



sorry you're bi-polar. try keeping positive and listen to the advice above and below this post. *sweat drop*

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oh my gosh.... i dont know... but maybe thats what i am? I have the biggest mood swings anyone has ever seen, one second i'll be jumping with joy and JUST LIKE THAT im really hateful.. then I'll be depressed..... do you think thats bi-polar? Its just like you described and more.... don't worry your not alone.

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sasarai... you're also going through puberty still. ^_^ A lot of people naturally have violent mood swings during that period. if you recognize them ahead of time and keep it under control, most of the time it'll gradually get better and go away when you're around 20~23.


=) Don't think there's something wrong with you just yet. if you really really believe in it you might convince yourself into having problems.

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ya i have stuff like that too............. i'll be really happy, then i'll be really depressed and start to cry for no reason at all in seconds........ so everyone keeps thinking i fake being depressed because im really happy around somepeople then all of a sudden im depressed.......... it really sucks....... i know you said that we are still going through puberty but no one else seems to be going through this either....... a little mood swings throughout the week and stuff...... but not so often or so extrem........

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