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HELP!!!!!!-Pregnancy Scare-

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HI. Im 16 and Im pretty regular in my menstrual cycles, however, I skipped 3 months and at that time I was not sexually active. So, I went to my doctor and he ran tests and then gave me some pills to jumpstart my period. It worked. . My last period was April 5, 2003 and so I should have gottan my period on the 5th of May, but I didnt. On May 9, I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend and we're both scared that I'm pregnant. I missed my period before we had sex, so Im not sure if It's possible. . .I haven't had any bleeding, but I have had cramping. Ive been showing signs of pregnancy, such as nausea and ive been really tired and urinating a lot, but its too early to take a home pregnancy test. PLZ HELP!!!! ANY INFORMATION WOULD BE APPRECIATED! THANKS!

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call a clinic or obgyn IMMEDIATELY. im pretty confident that if you are pregnant, you would not be having symptoms yet. you would not even be 5 days along! lets say that conception did occur on the 9th, implantation wouldnt occur till a few days later. and its the implantaion that causes the hormonal changes that trigger pregnancy symptoms, not the conception itself. either way, there is something wrong with your body right now, and you should get it figured out.


and WHY ARE YOU NOT ON BIRTH CONTROL? you are playing with fire to be sexually active without it. even in couples who use condoms EVERY TIME, 30% of the women will become pregnant during the course of one year. I think its something like 70-80%% of all women who have unprotected sex every time will become pregnant. This is compared to 1% of all women who use hormonal birth control, and use it properly. there are other options than the pill. there is the nuva ring, which you insert once for three weeks and remove for one, and insert another at the beginning of the 5th week. there is also the bc patch (name??) that is the same. on for three weeks, off for one, new one for three weeks, etc. and the good thing about the pill, the nuva ring, and the patch is that your hormones are regulated so that you have a regular period. none if this worry, and a body that actually functions as it should.

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