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yeah, well i've never really been good with telling when girls are flirting with me, or if theyre interested in me. what are some things that are considered flirting, and i've been reading all the things here, but yeah that doesn't really have to do with what you could say my age range... i like this girl, and i know she thinks im cute, she says she would feel safe dating me, and if i were to ask her out she would, but i dont have confidence and my friend told me all that of what she said, im just trying to figure out if she really does like me or not... but yeah, i cant tell what's considered flirting, so if someone could post some things, to help my "confidence level" but im like a teenager so yeah... i just figured that you would know better than me.

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wellll. im a teenager too, and i know self confidence is somthing lacking for many ppl.


GO FOR IT...the worst she can say is no, and thats not so bad...but if you never ask. then you dont stand a chance


as a girl, i know that its flattering when a guy asks me out. and even if i dont say yes at first i know that if a guy has acts like a gentleman when asking me out, it automaticly puts them on my good list..


after classes, try asking her to go for a walk, the hold her hands and ask her if she would like to go out with you...make sure ur alone with her, b.c this eliminates the awkwardness factor if friends were around

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all i now is if u ask a gal out and she says yes or no -that within girls its all about gossip-they will talk about u and what u said and this and that within their friends and also to other classmates-so beware.

i personally kind of hate it. u wonder what they are talkin about and if its postive or negative stuff about u.

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yeah, haha, and they make it just a tad too obvious that they are talking about you sometimes haha... like lets say your sitting and class, and you look back and theyre sitting there whispering to eachother look at you... haha yeah, but as much as my friend and I are aware of, its good... cause he tells me what they all say about me so yeah. o and i aparently can't do it today. because i am not going to see her today. I went to the hospital today and yesterday, something about loss of blood and its dangerous for me, and i need to be monitored and all that junk. and because im coughing alot of blood

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If you are worried about how her friends and others will talk about you, you may loose the girl. Don't care too much how people think about you in this matter. Think how you really feel to yourself and the girl. Nothing to loose, boy. In case you make a little mistake, learn from it and make it better next time. Don't be too shy if you really like her. How bad it's gonna be if she says no. It's not the end of the world.

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This is regarding the original question. I think that signs of flirting for girls would be as follows: definitely laughter (they will laugh at anything you say), giving you notes (this really hot girl in my school left a note on my desk last friday, the note said that I was beautiful), complimenting you (like when you get your tests back she would look at your mark and say "Good job, wow you're so smart." [this is what that hot girl from my school said to me]), they would walk by your desk for no reason, or they could ask to see your homework from some class (this girl ask to copy my homewrok all the time and then I see that she gives it back to me a few minutes later without even looking at what's on the paper). They will also smile alot, look deep into her eyes you will see a her smile quickly. Oh yeah we had to do a presentation in one of my classes and that hot girl I told you about was in that class, and when I went up to do my presentation she whistled, you like guys usually whistle when an attractive girl goes by.

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to the last poster -- yeah, that girl definitely likes you! If you like her, ask her out she'll say yes for sure!


I don't really know that much about flirting so I can't help, sorry. But one thing I know is that your pupil dilates, although I usually don't even notice something like this. But subconsciously you are supposed to =) Umm..also they might stare at you, get a bit flustered around you (depending on their personality - or they might get more confident around you if they're trying to show they're cool and confident..I usually become more confident.) They might also be more friendly to you than they would to normal acquaintances. I'm not a big flirt, so I usually just tend to be nice to people and compliment them on stuff, look more deeply into their eyes, hold their gaze for a few secs. longer than normal, and hope they get the hint. Oh, and yes, I will also try to laugh at what they say, to boost their ego a bit, if it's remotely funny. So maybe I'm not such a bad flirt after all..seems like normal stuff to do


Hope that helped,



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