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I want to break up


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Hi. I've been in a relationship with my partner for 4 n half years. We have 2 kids together, but more over the last few months I just don't feel for him anymore how I used to. He has been emotionally abusive, where it got to a point I ended up in a psychiatric hospital because I couldn't cope with it anymore. Since coming out of hospital, I had to come back home. I made it clear to him I didn't want to be in the relationship anymore, but he didn't get the message. He has since started being nice all the time, he cuddles and kisses a lot and tells me he will be nice from now on and wants me to forget the past. I don't love him anymore though. He has hurt me so much over the last few months, I can't trust that he won't start doing it again. His family are also not good with me, they have Al constantly criticised me and slagged me off and made me out to be a bad parent for going into hospital. His family make me feel very sad. And the way he acts like we will be fine and I just have to put up with all **** from his family and we'll be fine, makes me more sad. I feel trapped. I know I can leave, I know I can take kids, but I don't feel I have the heart to take kids away. But I don't want things to get so bad that I end up in hospital again. I need some advice. Anyone that's been there? Anyone that can offer anything? I just want to live my life and be happy with my choices. I really don't want to be with him.

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I just have to say... You should start documenting everything he does/says to you that is abusive. Just so, if you decide to divorce him, you have evidence in court. I'm not sure how the court will respond to you being hospitalized for psychiatric issues, especially when child custody is involved. Start documenting. Today.

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