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Me and my new girlfriend!

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ok.....maybe i should explain that i'm a lesbian. i didnt put this post under the lesbian category becos i didnt think people would want to read it. it is still a relationship after all.

anyway, so i did the most pathetic thing ever, becos i couldnt have handled rejection face to face.

i told her i loved her when we were having a conversation via email a few nights ago. she didnt reject me and she said i was brave in the 1st place for making the first move, no matter how cowardly it was. but i guess that's love. i've never had a girlfriend before. i had a few boyfriends but it was nothing serious. i didn't even know that i was a lesbian until i met her. but im not ashamed of anything! and im posting this so that people knnow that if u feel something, just go ahead and say it!!!

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Oh, okay. Well, good on you for sharing your feelings! I'd say that as you get older, it should be easier for you to say it face to face. (I had a 30-year old guy tell me he loved me in an email and that was unacceptable. Don't do that when you're 30.

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dont worry i wont!!!!

thanks for being so nice as im very new to this site so................xxx

and i only confessed thru an email this time becos its wat we talk on nearly every night (neither of us want facebook) and being a lesbian confession, it was a bit...not normal....so yh

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