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Need some sound advice ?

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Hi, everyone I was hoping I could get some advice. Ive known this girl for about 2 years now, she used to go out with one of my mates and I got to know her really well. They split up about 5 months ago and since then we have become really close friends. When they split she rang me every night for about three weeks to chat. We talked about anything. She was flirting all the time and gave me a strong impression that she fancied me. I took her out and she was all over me and we had some great times. Anyway because I liked her more than any other girl before I went against my better judgement and told her I was crazy about her to her face. After that she went cold. Why? She told me that she didn’t think it would ever happen between us. So I thought ok move to the next one. We are still close friends and she rings me every other night. I hardly ever ring her at all. Why does she ring me that often because other girls don’t do, only the ones who are interested. Does she like the attention?


In a week its my college prom then my a week after that my bros wedding. I invited her to come to the night party at the wedding with me. I wanted a friend to come. She said shed love to. We are even stopping together in a lavish hotel room alone that night. She made it clear she wanted to stay with me after the party and didn’t want to go home. I don’t understand her at all. Sometimes she’s cold and then she gets my hopes up like playing hard to get. And at the prom she’s going with someone just as friends. I didn’t want to ask her because I wasn’t going to go. She’s been phoning me trying to get me to go now she knows this. Saying I will enjoy it etc. I told her I don’t see the point in going without a girl but I would have gone if she didn’t have anyone to go with. She gave no reply just changed the subject.


I wanted to know what she fancies me or not. What do I do? Do I go to the prom on my own and surprise her? Do I try anything at the wedding or does she just look at me as a close friend? . I just cant understand her a usually can with other women. What do you think? im so confused!



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Sorry but she just takes advanture of you...............

Its like........when im bored i call him..........and if im not.........i get another boy to go to the prom with me............

And if i get dumped i will call you.............Isn't how it happened from the beggining? (the way u met her) Sorry.................

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I can't tell you what's up with this chick, but I do see that you could think about the situation differently in a manner that would make things more understandable and manageable for you. I highly recommend you go to link removed and sign up for the e-newsletter. Then buy the book. I'm not affiliated with this guy in any way, I just think he could teach you a thing or two.

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