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2 1/2 year relationship... one day and it all went crazy

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I have been going out w/ this girl for almost 3 yrs now and her parents

and sister recently found out about us. Her parents are old school minded

in that dating shouldnt be done when they are in college and dont like the

dating scene at all. We both love each other a lot and I want this

relationship to last until marriage. When we got together we established

on having a long term relationship w/ no intentions on just hookin up. Her sister acts more like a mother then she should as a sister, she also said if anything happened to her father she would be responsible because he has high blood pressure and should avoid stress and she is the youngest from three sisters. She doesnt know what to do now and said she needs time to think b/c she cant live with the fact if anything happens to her father b/c of her. I think her sister said that 2 make her feel guilty and not 2 talk 2 me anymore. Right now we dont talk and I`m just giving her time 2 think on what she wants b/c true love shouldn`t be finished like this. It's been about 2 and a half weeks now... What should i do and what can I Tell my loved one if i get a chance u talk 2 her b/c her sister took her phone and changed tha number and is currently using it and changed her aim password so she cant even get online 2 talk... I'm confused.

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Well if you guys are in college and have been together for years, it is no one's business but yours and hers. She needs to stand up to her parents and sister or else they will continue to control her forever. You should tell her this, but if she won't even get in touch with you, I suppose it's over right? I've NEVER heard of parents who don't support dating in college. They must be oppressively conservative. How old are you, and how is she? Good luck my friend! Just be careful and remember to take care of yourself.

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Well... secretive relationships - yes, even in college - are more common than you think. I was in one for 2 years and although everyone except his parents knew, I still wanted that acknowledgement. Perhaps we may get back together, I really don't know. It's been 3 months for me since the breakup, and even though he's wanted to get back together twice, I wasn't ready because I still wanted that acknowledgement & he isn't ready. My family knew about him but never met him. Some of his family except his parents knew about me.


In your case, it is different because her father's health is involved. You can see her sister is pretty upset, but she (the sister) should be responsible enough not to let that affect their father. If he really will be too stressed about the situation, it MAY be best not to discuss it with him. But since the sister knows, she shouldn't do anything to try to manipulate your gf.


If you love each other and her love for you is reciprocated, I would say that you can overcome this. But she has to be ready to handle any pressures coming her way as well (and if the sister MUST talk about it with their father, then she can deal with the outcome of that). I'd recommend that you support her emotionally through this, but in the end, if she pushes you away, it may be best to back off and maybe tell her that you can wait for her until she's ready to deal with it.


It's really up to you as to how long you'll want to wait for her, and it's up to you as to what you want to do to help yourself overcome this as well.

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