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Question....The Difference


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Okay, so i would like to know, ive been searching and cant find the answer or maybe im being slow. Like i feel i know the answer but would like to see if im right without telling anyone yet. But anyway, if you've read all my other post. My ex texted me saying he still care for me...whats the difference between still care for and care about.


The crazy thing is, i care about him still but in a if you get jumped ill try to protect you in anyway or if he dies ill show up to his funeral. Like, i truly cant hate someone after loving them that much especially the way i did. so...yea thats it.


Thanks in advanve

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"I still care for you" means I would go to your funeral if you died in the next year or two.


"I care about you" means I have feelings for you, but really cannot say it is "love" at this point.


There is no rule that says when you break up, feelings just disappear. But a plant that doesn't get water eventually dies.

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