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What is the most effective no contact letter?


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Should I send a no contact letter that says how I appreciate everything or one that is light and straight to the point?




Hey I respect your decision for ending our relationship, but out of the respect for me I need to leave.





Hey dont contact me ever again, you didn't respect me so I'm done. I don't want to be a friend my love should mean more.



Help !

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Then you just say, "sorry, I don't want to be friends"...and that is your choice.


You don't need the drama of saying "I respect your decision to leave the relationship" or "don't ever speak to me again".


Simple....no thanks, I don't want to be friends.

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Since I don't know your background i'll say you don't need to tell them.


No contact has a few reasons, but if its to make you look strong writing them a letter about it explaining how hard it is probably won't help you.


Personally ive found the preoccupation of this forum with no contact at any costs is a bit harsh, if an ex contacts me after X period of time which they usually do I usually just chat back to them normally but send a tone that I don't want to continue it. But having said that my ex's never real try and push into my life or interfere or anything so its easy for me to say that when they're leaving me alone.


Neither of your options sound very good.


What i've done in past is when they contact me i've just casually said "In past ive found it easier to get over the breakup if we're not in contact, no hard feelings but I think its best we don't talk for a few months".


Then that few months usually turns into forever.

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NC will help you heal and get over him. Staying in contact will only help him slowly wean off you emotionally and find someone else. Just tell him you don't want contact from him and that you don't want to be friends. You don't need to explain yourself or give in to what he wants. You guys are not together anymore and you don't owe him anything.

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