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Hey again


I may have mentioned this in a post a few days before, but there is this girl I "like", probably because I felt she is giving me strong signs. These include:

-She said on AIM that she'd do anything for me (and yes, there was a wink)

-She started the IM (thank god - a girl I'm interested in starts the IM for once), thus giving me her screenname (she wsa on her friend's the other time). She needed HW from a class that she already had, but said she wanted to come over to my house to pick it up and she preferred to give me her cell phone number rather than me E-Mail her when I was ready (she didn't come cuz something came up). ]-I was running for my workout and near the start, I enter the narrow driveway to a building (nowhere special, but it leads to a path I run on) and I hear a car stop sharply and make a turn towards the driveway I was on. Sure enough, the car trails me and eventually once it gets to me, the window opens and the girl was there and we talked for a minute (her friend was driving). Keep this in mind - people I know have seen me run this route and none follow me into it.


So hopefully, these are signs she likes me. It's not like I really knew her that well before this either. This whole situation came as a surprise. Today in class, we just talked for a little bit and she was chuckling at things I said or did (another good sign, although some girls are like that)


So now the question is when.

I had liked one of her best friends for a couple of weeks (this girl may have known), but I never asked this friend out (I knew I was getting a no, but we are "friends" and we get along). I am not sure when to make my move on her. I won't tomorrow (I don't have that class), but Wednesday/Thursday will be the earliest I ask her if she wats to go somewhere. The thing is, I don't want to look desperate or make it seem too quick and awkward (the events mentioned above occurred this past Friday/Saturday and today is Monday). What should I do, in terms of when?


P.S. On AIM, I figure guys generally start the conversation. Generally, if you want to be safe, how many times would u IM a girl (once a day, once every other day)? I've heard if ur funny, she doesn't care and things like that, I think they'll get a little annoyed after a while I feel. If she starts it, that's a different story, but I don't want it to be where I start it everytime or seem to be "there" all the time either.


Thanks for the help.

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why dont you plan on asking her out later this week for the weekend, and when you go to class on wed/thurs, see how you feel. see what kind of vibes she gives you. you'll be able to tell whether or not asking her out so soon is a good idea. dont think or worry about it too much! just do whatever feels natural and follow your instinct. talking online also helps, so maybe you could im her maybe once or twice and see if she initiates the next conversation. its all give and take, just go with the flow!!

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Seems like you've got it in the bag mate.


You think so? Hopefully, ur right.


I mean, most people would know more on that and probably be more certain, but for someone who's never gotten a "yes", I'm a little glad/nervous to hear that, the reason being that if she happens to say say no after the "signs" I posted above that made it seem she really liked me...


I know Santa and the rest of you have a lot more experience with this and are much better at reading the signs (trust me), so I'll take your word for it.

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I''m gonna ask her out for real 2moro (more on today is below), but I think it looks pretty good (I'm being optimistic). Pretty much, today was the day where all these weird coincidences happened...I think they were coincidences. What do u think?


-I do some of the announcements at my school in the morning. Sure enough, guess who happens to be there watching? Yep, her. I didn't see that coming until I turned around and she happened to be there. I said hi cuz she was looking at me for a bit. She was waiting for her guidance counselor who never came (she came to 1st period a few minutes late).

That could pass as a coincidence...


-So, I'm going to my class after lunch and as I'm rolling into class, someone comes up to me and says she's in my class. It was her. I was talking to her for a few and she said she would go somehwere with me, but I have to ask her out "for real" tomorrow (my usual ask-outs are indirect-I ask them if they want to go somewhere when we don't have school). I said she was really cool too and she smiled brightly (not one of those phony ones) and said thanks. The only bad thing is my moronic teacher said today was the day they re-assigns seats, and I had been sitting right next to her and I was doing well with this! Oh well...


Still a coincidence?


The last one isn't much, but it does boost my confidence. When I get out of one of my other classes later in the day, my best friend decides to help me out because he doesn't believe this is possible (that she likes me). So when this girl and her friend (the one I used to like) pass by, he walks right behind them (I'm ahead of everyone by a little bit so I don't see this) and he heard the girl I like say my name (he only heard the name, and he said she didn't sound annoyed or pissed about it).


So pretty much, I believe these were all coincidences, but it's just a little weird they all happened in one day, right as I'm ready to ask her out. Tomorrow is the big day, but today seemed a little weird w/ her being where I was more often... it was all just one, big, odd coincidence right?

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I think I'm cursed - seriously...


You see, I did everything I wanted to today, nothing went wrong before I asked her out. Based on the "signs" she's given me and everything else, this is going to maybe throw you off:


Me: Hey (her), blah blah blah (asking her out)

Her: I dunno if that's a great idea... (she said it in a way that sounded like she almost wanted to a little bit)

Me: Why not (I said this nicely - don't worry)?

Her: Well, I'm kinda actually with somebody right now.


So pretty much, she has a bf. I don't think he goes to our school (she's never with a particular guy, and I see her a bit throughout the day), but I could be wrong. My best friend hasn't seen her with anyone either, and I don't think it's exactly right to ask her.


I just don't understand why she gave me all these "almost-obvious" signs (I mean, these were things I've never seen before). I wasn't imagining things either and it's tough to think every one of these "signs" were coincidences. I would like to think maybe her relationship with her bf is a little "weak" and they'll break up rather soon, but I dunno - anything can happen.


People I don't usually talk to may have thought she liked me too cuz they were saying how she said she'll go on a date with me (I guess she said that, cuz my friends and I said nothing) and they were congratulating me (I was like "huh?" lol). - this was before I asked her out too. And I don't think I made it so obvious that she would defiantely know I "liked" her either.


So I think right now, I'll wait this one out and take a break (I don't want to go 0/9 quite yet lol). I want to hear what you think about this, because with all these signs and the way she said she has a bf, I dunno if their relationship is exactly real strong - I could be wrong, but that's my take on it. She doesn't flirt to a lot of guys either, she's more shy than not. One of my friends suggests that if I can tell her relationship may be weakening (may be tough if he goes to another school), to "get to know her better" and almost unintentionally try to get her to dump him. A little sneaky, but it's so crazy it might just work! My other friend says to just wait it out.


I need your help on what to do. Thanks.

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