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Well, I decided it would be a good idea to start a journal so that I can hold myself accountable and have someplace to vent on my journey to lose some weight and begin a healthier lifestyle. I currently weigh 122 lbs and would like to get to 115. I know 7 lbs isn't a huge deal. I plan to lose the 7 lbs by drinking 60 oz of water a day, making my diet 80% whole foods, & lots of exercise. In other words- fruits, veggies, whole grains, nuts, etc. I try to avoid meat as much as possible, but since I am married, it's sometimes unavoidable with two people in the mix. After I lose my 7 lbs, I will continue with this healthy life style to maintain my perfect weight. I will post my food intake/exercise daily and my weight twice a week when I have my weigh ins. I also hope to gain more energy and an improved complexion. Heres to the journey ahead!

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