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I think I am going to quit my job

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So I have worked for my current company for almost 2 years now. When I started with them, I loved it; it was my first career after college and I was happy to be a part of the work force. However, in the last year or so I have noticed that my boss and other members of my company do not display respect, integrity, and communication to my team. I am on the low end of the company, I dont work in the office, I do field work every day and we are treated quite poorly. My boss provides me with empty promises and when I or someone on my field team asks for help, materials, or just communication or guidance, it is always turned around on us.


I currently work at about 7 locations located in 3 different states. I work my BUTT off, long days, tons of driving, not to mention that all the work is out side. There are no bathrooms where we commonly work, there is limited water, and it is messy and dangerous work. I take pride in what I do. Some locations are in poor neighborhoods where the locals have threatened us before with robbery and harassment. When office members come to the site they are escorted by security, but we have to go out alone. I am asked to buy project supplies out of pocket because the project managers don't budget enough money in order properly run their projects, and I barely make enough money to support myself.


There is a member on our team who is a little older than most of us. He is known to cut corners, lie, cheat, and steal, and very often he will come in late and leave early, as well as damage projects and blame mistakes on others. He works on the same site everyday, whereas I work in multiple locations. Recently, our boss sat him down for about the 5th time because he was stealing company time. Instead of getting fired, my boss moved him into my position where he can roam free to all these places and do whatever he wants without being monitored. I now have to go to the same place every day, where I am monitored heavily, I am not allowed to be late, and I cannot advance in the company or be eligble for raises because our company creates value around the amount of sites you can work on. I am being punished because the client wants this person off the site but they still need someone to do the work. There are a lot of details that I cannot explain but in short, I just lost all of my clients and projects so that some guy can keep his job. My boss is ok with the decision and hasn't even apologized for the transition. HE DIDNT EVEN TELL ME. I had to find out from a co worker. I am now limited to one site and my possibility for promotion has gone away. I didn't even do anything wrong. We all are fighting this because the kid who started this deserves to be fired and yet he is almost being rewarded.


For this and many reasons, I have decided its time to find a new job. However, I am going to have to move again. I am looking to move to the Northern VA region. Its a booming area for Environmental work and my brother works and lives down there. We are very close. I am just angry because I want to be respected and valued and I am laughed at and dismissed everyday. I am working on getting my master's degree and I still am treated like I have 2 heads. I am just upset with the way this company treats their employees and I am angry because you literally cannot trust anyone anymore.


I just needed to vent.





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Wow that sounds awful. You are absolutely right, you should be treated with respect and given the resources you need to do your job well. It is so unfortunate that your current company refuses to do that. Given all that you've said it is not my place to encourage you to stay or tell you that you have to quit, that is your call and you know what is best for you. However, if you do decide to quit then be sure to have a clear plan of action. It is always better to quit once you've secured a new job, but if you can't wait that long then be sure to have some savings to tide you over or some understanding relatives that will help you out. Quitting with no plan will just make your situation more stressful.


You mention working on a Master's degree, does the school offer any job placement help? Even if they just find you something short term, that may greatly improve your situation while you search for something long term. Or are you able to apply for additional financial aid?

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I feel you 100% OP. I've been with my job for close to three years and it has been a steady decline. I work a pedestrian job but that doesn't excuse work ethics. I've been trying to move up in the company and had several opportunities and offers to do just that but for some reason something always came up to push me right back at the starting line. I was doing extra work for almost no pay advancement, I stayed late, was always on time, never once called out sick and was never absent.


Just recently I got paired with a co-worker who is very difficult in that he's stubborn, doesn't listen and who seems to have control issues. He has gotten several complaints from customers and yet he is still here. My boss just keeps telling him the same crap over and over but will not punish him. He's only been around for 6 months. He has given out the wrong amount of money a few times back to customers causing him to be short on his profits at the end of his shifts and he wasn't penalized for it. I recently found out that I was "mystery shopped" and I failed the test because $2 was supposedly missing. So they assumed I stole it and I was about to be fired!!! What a double standard!! I was mystery shopped before and passed all the test but this recent one they "think" ( they were never sure if any money was actually missing) $2 is missing.


This new guy hasn't been shopped yet and he as made more mistakes and gotten so many complaints yet he's still around without punishment. I've been here close to three years and one mistake that they (HR) can't really figure out and I almost get fired. I was about to quit because I felt cheated, used and favored against. I had to sign a form stating that my work was below acceptance and if anything else happens I will be terminated.


It took all I had to not walk out.


Im in the process of looking for better work myself. It sucks bad and I feel for you.

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I am currently looking for a new job and its just a matter of time before I find one. It just sucks because I am looking in another state which means I have to start all over again. It just gets tiring. I just needed to vent because I really can't believe that this stuff is actually happening. Thanks for all the support everyone.

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