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General advice for love seeking

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I've decided to write this because many of my friends have fallen into this trap of the heart. When you see someone of the oppsite sex make sure your in a comfortalble place. You see when your not in a familiar place the heart begins to beat faster forcing blood through the body quicker. This is due to you being nervous or unsettled. Your brain will interperte this, expessically if your around people of the oppsite sex as a feeling of love towards someone. So remember if you looking for love don't go to a high mountain if your afraid of heights or on a long swinging bridge if your afraid of unsecure footings.

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Ya what you described it called the "mislabeling hypothesis" by social psychologists. When you are with someone and they are afraid, they will misinterpret thier arousal for feelings of attractions for you. Thats why lots of bonding happens on rolocoasters, ect. Its a good place to find (or make) a girlfriend.

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