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Jelousy is driving me insane

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I have a fantastic Gf but i cant help being jeous of some things she has said. Ther is this other girl, who i HATE and my gf is friends with her. She is also bi. I know my gf loves me but i cant help it. She is always saying how good looking this girl is and on a few occasions (I know i shouldent ask Questions that i dont want Answers to, but i do) she has said that she would like to kiss and do other stuf with this girl. I hate being jelous SO SO much. hellllppppp....

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The best thing to do is to get antidepressants.


I completely disagree. Anti-depressants have absolutely nothing to do with feeling jealous. Jealousy is all about trust in the relationship and in your girlfriend.


Talk straight out to your girlfriend about what you are feeling. Tell her what is making you feel jealous. Then try and work it out between the two of you. Maybe she doesn't realize that what she is saying really hurts you.

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Here, maybe I can explain it a little more, jealousy is anger, aggression, frustration, inability to handle small anxieties. Taking the proper pill will allow you to handle the situation when it is small, like Hey, why you gots to be talking about another girl when I am standing right here for you, pardon the dialects....


What does anger and aggression lead to Mr Petterson??

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I slightly disagree with everyone. Jealousy is about a perceived loss or the thought of a perceived loss. It is a normal feeling and can be really frustrating at times. Jealousy also can be a sign that someone cares and I'm wondering if that's what your gf is doing to you. Maybe she wants to see how much you care for her so she's trying to make you jealous by talking about this other hot girl and the things that she would like to do with her.


You really should talk to your gf about this. Tell her how it makes you feel. Lovers really shouldn't talk about how hot someone else is or what they would like to do with them. I would be feeling very jealous and insecure in the relationship, too. Tell us what happens.



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Sorry I stand by my statement that a pill is not the solution. Anti-depressants are for depression - not jealousy. And also the vast majority have not been approved for use in children under 18, in spite of the fact that many doctors prescribe them anyway.


This situation calls for discussion. Not medication.

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