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Today is a good day to resurrect your life! Name one thing you will die to today

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Make a commitment today to one thing you will stop doing that is destructive in your life so that you can heal and live. What will you die to today?


I will die to my fears of commitment due to past hurts in relationships. I believe I have learned how to pick a healthier women and will trust my instincts.

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I will continue the journey of learning how to value myself highly. I have never done this until about a year ago. Now, as a 26 year old woman, I am finally able to see that if people don't bother, they are really not worth it and do not deserve me anyway! It is a great feeling.


Nice thread!

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Nice idea.


I will die to eating junk. I wanna lose weight and get in shape - forget my ex and find a nice new man! Bring it on!


Get addicted to the gym. Spend hours in there with your favourite music and every time you go to eat a piece of cake, you will be knowledgeable enough to know that it will take you a whole hard hour in the gym to compensate for that 20 seconds of pleasure. You can do it but you have to commit wholly to it. I have for the last two years. Gym on a friday night, 7am on a monday morning.. turning nights out down for nights in the gym.. and I am 20 pounds off my target weight and would have lost half my body weight. Do it now.

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Get addicted to the gym. Spend hours in there with your favourite music and every time you go to eat a piece of cake, you will be knowledgeable enough to know that it will take you a whole hard hour in the gym to compensate for that 20 seconds of pleasure. You can do it but you have to commit wholly to it. I have for the last two years. Gym on a friday night, 7am on a monday morning.. turning nights out down for nights in the gym.. and I am 20 pounds off my target weight and would have lost half my body weight. Do it now.



That I seriously amazing I am so impressed. I really really want to do it. I will research gyms! Thank you. I know I can do it. It's hard because I have a job and children and don't get that much time to myself but I can do it if I really want to. Wish me luck!

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Lung cancer due to my pack+ a day habit. Gotta quit, because I can feel it affecting my gym workouts and my enduro riding, badly. And day to day life. I don't want to end up looking like the ex's new b/f either; 39 going on 60 due to all the smoking and drinking.

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