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I need some opinions please thanks

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OMG!I have been doing alot better but as of this past week I am going backwards and I dont know what to do!I am so stressed out and drained again.I really need to vent and this is a great place to do it,Ok I know you all have seen me post about my ex numerous times because I am still in love and still a little lost about our whole situation.Now I am also so so confused on the mood changes that he has with me.One minute he is nice next day he is nasty towards me and I dont get or understand why over and over again it is like this.I do love him so the no contact and the dont pick up the phone and dont put up with it I have heard over and over again but for me it is not that easy because after I think 7-8 months we have been broken up,We talk all the time still see eachother and all that but there is so much building up inside of me because of the diff mood changes I never know what the hell is going on anymore,Can someone please explain to me what it could be??


I am 21 years old and everyone tells me I am to young to stress over something like this but you know what no matter the age my heart is taken and it's hard for me you know how the bad days and the good days change.What could really be going on with him he tells me things something like I want to see you or I miss you and other times its shutup or leave me alone or blah you know well anyways I would just like to know 7-8 months later we still see eachother still talk all the time I know why on my part but I know you are not him but what could be the reasons why we still communicate the way we do??



He confuses me it's like somedays we are close he pulls me in closer then it could be the next day 24 hours later and he pushes me away he becomes angry or aggravated so easy.I am so out of it I am confused and stressed and very fed up with all the back and fourth but im in love can someone help me out please thanks so much

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Hey sweetheart for a relationship to work u need two thongs for sure in


TRUST and RESPECT he obviously dosent respect u and takes u for granted and is making u the victim of his behaviour by taking advantage of ure emotions


U have to help ureself MOVE on ..keep talkin to him but make it mmore casual then anything else and dont be very personal with him treat him with a slight cold shoulder and see it will change his behaviour towards u and add to ure self esteem also


dont let ureself be taken over by emotions there are some decisions which are hard but then that is life


move on but do it at ure own pace join some classes like other activites so that it lets u meet new people and less time to spend with him


cut him off slowly otherwise ull never move on and just end up wasting time 0X

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