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too far between?


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I'm 41, she's 54. I don't know her well but I think there may be a mutual attraction based on some "signs" from time we spent with mutual friends recently; I intend to explore that further in the future when I have the chance to spend more time with her. I know I am definitely attracted to her. Is 14 years too big an age gap? Should I allow myself to pursue/explore it further, or just leave it alone and consider her a friend?

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Friendship is a good place to start. Get to know her and what she wants from life and what stage in life she's at. If you find that you're still compatible after getting to know her then heck why not. There was an 11 year age gap between me and my ex - me being younger. I had no probs with it myself.

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I'm 41, she's 54. I don't know her well but I think there may be a mutual attraction based on some "signs" from time we spent with mutual friends recently; I intend to explore that further in the future when I have the chance to spend more time with her. I know I am definitely attracted to her. Is 14 years too big an age gap? Should I allow myself to pursue/explore it further, or just leave it alone and consider her a friend?


Friendship is the best way to start and then see what happens from there. I personally am not a big proponent of age-gap relationships as I think people are in two different places in their life and the times in which they grew up, which really does have a handle in shaping who you are, is very different. My opinion is pretty much the minority on this forum as many people on here say "age is just a number". I don't believe that..if age was just a number then you wouldn't have people trying desperately to hide the signs of aging and doing everything to prove how "youthful" they are.

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Never thought of it that way... trying to hide the signs of aging by appearing youthful. I will still try to stay healthy and in shape, but not try to compete with twenty year old girls when I am a 51 year old woman! However, I smile at the thought of age being just a number. It is a ridiculous phrase for sure!!!! I have been told that very thing much more than I care to consider, but in actuality, I agree with you Crazyaboutdogs, people come from different stages in life as well as in different times based on when and where they grew up. With that said, I know from experience that enjoying those differences and learning from each other, is awesomely and magnificently comfortable for me when I finally accepted the age difference instead of pretending it wasn't there.

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