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This sort of thing will have been discussed over and over but... would like some advice on what to do.


The other day I decided to try online dating - after a few days looking around sending/receiving the odd message, I clicked with someone.


We started talking quite a bit - we made each other laugh and stuff it was really good conversation. She was clearly interested in me and I was her. It was going great. So I gave her my phone number, she sent me a text 10 mins later saying 'I don't normally give my number out but but you seem nice! ... etc etc" back to the conversation.


We were now talking via text for a few days. Conversation still great, getting to know each other. So it was valentines day I said.. you know one day we should go for drinks or something? no rush though.


Text back oh yeah thats sounds like a nice idea etc etc normal convo still going on then a good night text. I replied.


Now ive not heard anything for 2 days. I'm just a bit confused.


What do you think?...


- As I sent the last message, is it okay to send the next or will I be looking too needy?

- If she isn't initiating ... is she not really that interested or is that normal?


I'm a little rusty with all this - been a while haha

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I would write one more time and suggest a time and place and move on if she doesn't show real enthusiasm for meeting in person. Texting is chat buddy stuff- to get to know each other in any relevant way you need to meet in person. If she is looking to date in person she will agree to meet.

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