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2 Days To Do Something!!!

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Hi, well as you can tell from the title of this post I'm in quite an urgent situation. (Oh, before I start, I apologise this post is going to be a long one, sorry but it's the only way I could explain everything, and give a fair indication). Right well, I'll start from the beginning.


I've liked a girl in my college, lets call her Rose, since September last year but I've never really done anything about it. Well anyways, I quickly set out in becoming at least Roses' friend, so that I could get to know her and then see if I still wanted to go out with her. After I got to know her I realised that I really did like her, but I'm really shy so I've never dared say anything to her, due to my fear of rejection.


During the time that I've liked Rose we've often met up during our free lessons to chat and do work. Whilst we chatted I would look at her body language, to see what she was displaying. The signals she was giving off are listed below.


1. A nail between the teeth, while she was reading my essay.

2. Twirling her hair when speaking to me, she has done this on several occasions, and still does it when we talk.

3. She has also touched my thigh, arm, hands and also my shoulders when we are talking.

4. When we have sat opposite each other she has sat with her legs spread open, and at other times, with them crossed and her foot pointing towards me. Or if we aren't sitting opposite one another, her feet have often been pointing towards me.

5. She's poked her tongue out to me on several occasions.

6. Whenever we see each other she always raises her eyebrows, and gives me a smile at the same time.

7. On occasions she has stood right by my side when there is plenty of space around for her to stand in.

8. Whenever we meet she always smiles at me, with her teeth showing.

9. We tend to always laugh in unison with each other.

10. When we were in a group she generally only speaks to me, unless others talk to her

11. She has turned in her chair, putting her back to some of her friends so that she would be facing me.

12. When we were in a group, her chest was always facing me, along with her feet.

13. I have also noticed on one occasion that she was looking when she was leaving the classroom, and I was still in the room talking to a friend, she noticed that I saw her looking at me so she gave me a little wave as she left.


All these signs I've had off her were in about January of this year. Around this time we had gone to see two films at the cinema, along with a group of her friends, on both occasions that we went to the cinema she displayed positive body language like above.


The week after we had to gone to the cinema the first time (with her friends) we were back in college, we had gone to see the film on a Friday. We met up in our free lessons during Monday and chatted about the film and stuff. However, when we were together something really strange happened. We were sitting next to each other and I turned to my side to look at her and she was looking at me, this isn't strange I know, but we both stayed there looking each other in the eyes for about 3 seconds with out saying a word…just looking at each other. When we broke off the eye contact, she smiled at me.


Then about 5 minutes, I looked to my side again and saw her sneaking a peek at me, until I noticed, when she smiled again and then she shut her eyes again (she was trying to go to sleep). Oh I'd just like to say that when we were together on that day she was AGAIN twirling her hair when talking to me, and biting her lip, and her feet and body were pointing towards me, she was continually giving off good body language every time we met.


Below are two more incidents that I think might be important, but I need other people's opinions on them.


One time Rose stayed back after a lesson to do some more work and I stayed with her despite me having no need to be there. Rose then asked me why I had stayed with her after the lesson had finished, I think this may have been an indication that she wasn't sure if I liked her or not and was trying to find out if I did. However, I never told her that I was there so that I could talk to her, I said I'd stayed because I needed to talk to the teacher about some work.


On another occasion Rose and Sue (Sue is a close friend of mine), left class at the same time. As they were making their way to the next lesson, Sue asked Rose if she liked me. (I wasn't there to hear this, Sue had asked Rose on her own, and without even telling me she was going to do this). Rose instantly told Sue that she did like me, she then went very red (blushing) and quickly told Rose she liked me as a friend. However, Sue had never asked Rose if she was attracted to me it was just a general question, so it must have been on Roses' mind.


Things were looking good between us, and on Valentines Day I bought her a rose and also wrote her a poem, but she was ill on that day so I couldn't give them to her. That night I sent her an SMS asking for her address (I didn't tell her why I wanted it), and she gave me it, which I believe is a positive sign as it shows she trusts me as you don't just give anyone your address. Well anyways, the next day I delivered the rose to her house but she was asleep, she was still ill, so I left the rose and poem outside her front door. Later that evening I received a phone call thanking me profusely for the rose, and how lovely it was for me to do it.


Whilst we were on the phone she had asked me if I had MSN, and I told her yes. However, she knew I had MSN, as we had spoken before on it, and she was currently blocking me. She said that she didn't know it was me and that she had forgotten the email address, but she was the one who told me what it was when we were talking. However, I wasn't going to complain because at least she was unblocking me. Well anyways, that was basically the conversation, but we resumed talking to one another on MSN. During our conversation on MSN she shocked me by asking me 'why did you give me the rose?' I replied by saying it was because I liked her, and she said that that didn't make sense because lots of people liked her but never got her a rose. I never at any point told her that I was attracted to her, only that I gave it to her because I liked her. However, we didn't only talk of the rose, later in the conversation I'd asked her about boyfriends, and she'd told me that she'd never had one, which shocked me because she is a v.v.v attractive girl!


I'd just like to add that she has been blocking me on and off since she got my email address. As I said earlier I was unblocked after I gave her the rose, but then she blocked me over Easter. I'm not sure why she is doing this about the blocking me.


Is it to perhaps to gain my attention? OR Is it because she needs space from me?


Well anyways, I don't know why it is she's blocking me, but all I do know is that I haven't said anything about it to her. (At present she's blocking me)


Well we returned to college, the next week and things got a bit weird. I didn't know how to act around her, and we ended up not talking to one another. This period of not talking lasted for about 2 months, I was equally to blame, I never once tried to make eye contact with Rose, and I actually avoided it if I could. I also found out from a frined during this period of Rose and I not talking that Rose thought Sue and I were very close, and that I was attracted to Sue.


Anyways, started a new term 2 weeks ago, and up until that point Rose and I still hadn't spoken since about Valentines Day. Well on the first day back, things seemed to be different, she wanted to play a game of pool with me…but I blanked her. I thought that it was best not to get involved with her again. However, later that day when me, Rose and Sue were in a lesson together something strange happened. I saw a side to Sue that I hadn't seen before, she was bitching about me with some of her friends, and it suddenly dawned on me, she was jealous that I was sitting next to and talking to Sue and not talking with her.


So the next day, I changed tact with Rose, I asked her if she wanted to play pool and she said yes. Well we played several games against each other and were getting on really well, during this time I looked at her body language this is what I saw.


1. Every shot I took, she would move round to be by my side when I took it, even when there was plenty of room to stand in.

2. She would tease me by not moving out of the way if I needed her to so that I could take a shot

3. We had little arguments about who's go it was, and who was going to take the break for the games.

4. A positive sign I saw was that when I used the chalk for my cue, she did exactly the same with her cue and a different piece of chalk at the same time as me.

5. No a really big one was that it was the first time we had made eye contact since about Valentines day, and we seemed to be making up for lost time.

6. Oh, and every time I looked at her she smiled, this happened in lessons, in the common room and when playing pool.

7. When we sat next to each other, she turned her body to face me, and also moved her feet to face me as well.



Well anyways, since the start of this term we've been talking to one another. This Thursdays just passed was one of the best days as we talked in college, and also talked in the evening when we met up at a concert.


At the end of the day of college, Rose was leaving with her friends and asked me 'what are you doing now?' at that time I was waiting for my car to be freed up because it was blocked in, so I couldn't go home. I thought that this was important because if I had said I want busy it seemed like she was going to invite me to go with her and her friends, if I hadn't been busy. I said I might have to wait ages and she said that if I didn't get the car I should go to the concert around the corner in the evening that she was going to.


Later that night when I turned up at the concert she instantly asked me when did I get my car. However, I wasn't very talkative to her as I was meeting up with friends I hadn't seen in about a year. She later asked me again and then I told her. We talked a bit during the evening, and had a few laughs, but I was with my friends and she was with hers. However, throughout the night I caught her at times glancing at me when I was with my friends. That was all that happened during the concert, and we never spoke until I was leaving, she walked out of a room and told me that she couldn't hear a thing because the music had been so loud and I said it was the same for me. After that I caught up with her about 5 minutes later and I said goodbye to her, which appeared to shock her that I'd thought to say goodbye to her.


As I was leaving with my friends, I saw her looking at me driving out of the car park, but I had to stop once I got out as the road was blocked, so I parked up and waited for it to clear. During this time we ended up meeting again, when she saw me she smiled and her eyebrows raised, we chatted briefly, with her asking why I'd stopped, and I told her.


Well that was all that happened when I had to wait for the road to clear, and once it had I began to get into my car and saw her looking at me again. She was doing this when she was standing next to her parents car, we each stood there for a few seconds just looking at one another and then I decided to get into my car and she decided to get into her car. Her car pulled away first and I followed it as there was only one road away from the concert. As I was we were exiting we had to stop at a junction at one point and her car was in front so she turned around in her seat to look at me, I saw this but didn't really look back at her, as I was talking to a frined at the time. Finally, when we were at a set of traffic lights I was going in a different direction, she put her hand out of the window of the car and gave a little wave as we went out separate ways.


That was at the end of last week, so I couldn't see her for the entire weekend, and I never contacted her over the weekend either (I have her phone number, but I didn't contact her because I never really do). I wanted to but I didn't know what to say to her. Anyways, were back in college today and she seemed ok, we didn't get to talk much as she had lessons in the morning and left early. And that's it, I've told the complete story. All I'd like now is people's opinions on my situation.


Do you think she likes me? Has she ever liked me? Should I tell her how I feel (If I do I only have 2 days in which to do this before she breaks up from college for a while, and to make matters worse I'm due to go off to University in 5 months time!)? How should I tell her that I like her? Does the blocking mean anything? Does the staring at me mean anything? Do you think her waving to me and looking at me at the concert was important? Do you think her giving me her address was a good sign?


Thanks for listening x

(p.s. sorry it was so long)

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Hey man, what are u scared of?. She has given you a lot of signs of attaction but she acts weird cos she wont sell short either. What the *** are u waiting for? To see her change because u chiken out. Believe me she'll walk away if u dont say anything and you'll regret every minute arfter that. I think you are very attracted to her. just tell her you need sth important to tell her and let it out bro. Luck.

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