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Whats a girl to do?

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Ok I have a question for you all

My boyfriend and I have been going out for 9 months now (it'll be our 1 year anniversery Feb 13th ) and at school there is a freshman girl (he's a senior I'm a sophmore, but I'm 16 (coming Feb) and he's 17 (his b-day is 8/16) who started talking to him. Now there were some problems a little while ago, because she liked him (she told him so, and she knew him and I were dating and had been for a while) but he loved me. We ended up working it through and we are still together, but now the girl who liked/likes him HATES me and keeps telling him she loves him, and she continues to call him. We can be out on a date, and she'll call his cell phone! Someone help me out! What should I do about her? Because I need advice before it gets ugly (I'm a very tempermental girl ) Thx everyone

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yea my ex gf had a guy friend who sometimes called her when we were on dates. it's really annoying and sort of ruins things, especially when you find out that said guy thinks he's her boyfriend, mainly because she told him he was.


you have the right to ask you bf about this. he has an obligation to be honest with his response. good luck.

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