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Everything posted by Kitten215

  1. Ok I have a question for you all My boyfriend and I have been going out for 9 months now (it'll be our 1 year anniversery Feb 13th ) and at school there is a freshman girl (he's a senior I'm a sophmore, but I'm 16 (coming Feb) and he's 17 (his b-day is 8/16) who started talking to him. Now there were some problems a little while ago, because she liked him (she told him so, and she knew him and I were dating and had been for a while) but he loved me. We ended up working it through and we are still together, but now the girl who liked/likes him HATES me and keeps telling him she loves him, and she continues to call him. We can be out on a date, and she'll call his cell phone! Someone help me out! What should I do about her? Because I need advice before it gets ugly (I'm a very tempermental girl ) Thx everyone
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