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Do exes feel when youre about to move on?

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Hey guys title says it all, do you believe your ex can "sense" when youre about to move on. Well in my case im a strictly logical person and dont believe in fate,karma etc. But my ex always contacts me when im about to forget her. Like a month ago i was devastated and yesterday i felt like i was about to make the breakthrough happen and accept how things are. And she called me said she missed me and was thinking of me etc and wanted to meet me as friends and stuff. This happened two more times since the whole no contact 3 months ago. So dunno im starting to believe she senses it somehow...

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HAnd she called me said she missed me and was thinking of me etc and wanted to meet me as friends and stuff. This happened two more times since the whole no contact 3 months ago. So dunno im starting to believe she senses it somehow...


You didn't start no contact 3 months ago...you started "I'll only answer the phone when you call me (contact)"....and there's a huge difference there.


And that is just "passive" healing because you're not really "moving on"...you're just in a self-imposed purgatory of sorts. As you said, each tim eyou're ready to take the hext step forward she contacts you. And that's kind of like saying every time I step on the highway I almost get hit by a car. Well, stop walking on the highway.


Same goes here...if you want to move on and she's only delaying this (with contact) and mixed signals then you have to stop being the self-imposed "victim" of this contact. Make it stop. How? Well, that's for you to decide. You can change phone numbers. You can ask her to just let you move on and you don't want to hear from her again.


But....you have not started the "whole no contact"...

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Nobody can really say for sure. However, I've always been the type to have an instinct when it came to my significant other. I can usually sense when a partner has cheated on me or is about to, or if they are going to leave. Usually about a few weeks to a month in advance I get that gut reaction. I'm not saying I'm psychic or anything of the sort. But, I do believe that all humans have a sixth sense of sorts. However, I don't believe it's this big paranormal event taking place. It can be something as simple your partner's behavior triggering that gut reaction or maybe even something in your behavior as well. Perhaps it might be genetic, similar to the fight or flight response, where we perceive a threat as a series of emotions and physical symptoms, leading up to an event.


It hard to act upon those instincts because you aren't always 100% sure, but for some reason you feel as if you know that something is going to happen. I kind of regret not acting upon my gut before you my recent ex left. I think that I could have done more to repair the broken relationship. Maybe not. But, I'll never know now and that's going to most likely haunt me for a good while.


As for your ex. That just might be true. I guess I don't know her well enough to make that determination. But, it could be very possible if you ask me.

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I have experienced this phenomenon. ..err coincidence. My ex has always kept no contact except for a week or a few days before I am about to do something with a new girl. We live an hour apart, share no mutual contacts, and I don't participate in social media. I have no idea how she picks up on it but it is an eerie coincidence.

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My current working theory is similar to the phenomenom of females synchronizing their menstrual cycles. Everybody has certain rhythmic patterns which contribute to their biological clocks, and after spending time with romantic partners, it has the same effect. This can lead to "something's up" with your partner, even though they've been away a while...especially if they've been away a while.


Now, if someone else were to tell me that theory, I'd be pretty skeptical, to say the least.

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I call it "Ex Radar" and it's scary in it's sheer timing. Can set your flippin watch to it.


Each time I go on a date, I get calls/texts from women I haven't heard from in up to 6 months so far(exs and otherwise). Several at a time whereas during the rest of the time? Nothing. It happens ONLY when I am out on a date. My friends get a great laugh out of it!

One of my last dates I had 4 of them call me in the same 3 hour time frame and I thought "***? are they all in on this together?? Where's the hidden camera?"


So yes they can sense it and I seriously doubt they are even aware of it.

You know "There's the rub"

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I have to agree with soulmate, but not to be negative, you need move on and let go, doesn't matter you want to be back with your ex or to be happy on your own, the only way you have chance to reach that point is let go, you have to be honest to yourself, is really your ex sensed you about to move on or you hope ... I am sure ex miss you , but not means wanted be with you!

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And she called me said she missed me and was thinking of me etc and wanted to meet me as friends and stuff. This happened two more times since the whole no contact 3 months ago. So dunno im starting to believe she senses it somehow...


There's the red flag right there. I would cut her loose unless you want to waste time in her friendzone. Yes they do sense it but all she wants is friends.


Next time try saying this "Aw I missed you too! I definitely want to date you and see what happens, but I am not interested in just being your male girlfriend/buddy/platonic pal. If you want to pick it back up where we left off and have some fun then I'm game, otherwise give me a call if you change your mind!"

Say it with a smile....then full hard NC. Either way she will respect it and you'll look like a man who knows what he wants and WILL walk away if there's no shot (Ups your value and beats looking like a doormat willing to accept whatever crumbs she tosses just to have her in your life).

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No I don't think so.

I think there comes a point where you have moved on and didn't even realize. From then on, if the ex contacts you it will feel like he/she contacted you when you moved on unless they never contact you or they contact you after a good while. If it were to reconcile in this last situation it will feel like you reconciled when you thought you'd never hear about them again

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