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My friend's wife contacted me. How to get out of this mess?


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I am sorry that you went through this bad experience. But I am curious about what you got from this "friendship"? What was so compelling about this guy that you ignored your own common sense? Did you really see him as a trusted friend? What about him made you allow him to continue even after his wife contacted you?


People rarely do things for no reason. It would seem that this contact with him was providing you with something. Something valuable enough to risk an angry wife. It would be good to think this all the way through before blaming him 100% for being the idiot he is. What pulled you into this and how can you protect against it in the future.

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Lesson here, men don't want to be your fiends ladies! I'm a guy and know this.


Oh, we might enjoy banter and talking politics or sports, but sex is always on our minds.


I can't believe how niave women can be to this fact. Find a gay male friend or a veteran who had his wang blown off in war. Those are the 2 exceptions to the rule of male friends.

Oh reaaallly. Explain how a fairly attractive gal (me) got friendzoned by a guy, who is straight and very inexperienced with girls (virgin, and most girls does NOT find him attractive)


Not all men are like you.

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You don't change your number. You don't inconvenience yourself and your friends for a piece of trash. I would contact his wife directly and apologize and just let her know that you were lied to, and so was she. Then leave it at that. If he contacts you again, let him know he is never to contact you again, and let his wife know that, too.

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Lesson here, men don't want to be your fiends ladies! I'm a guy and know this.


Oh, we might enjoy banter and talking politics or sports, but sex is always on our minds.


I can't believe how niave women can be to this fact. Find a gay male friend or a veteran who had his wang blown off in war. Those are the 2 exceptions to the rule of male friends.


This is a load of garbage. Unless you're a neandrethal, you have the ability to have female friends that are just friends.

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