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Would she say yes? LONG


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Here's the typical question, does she like me, but to a different degree, i'm wondering what you all would think if i asked her out, here's the background info.


Obviously no one really knows what's going on, because u can't see how this whole situation goes on everyday, but sometimes it's better to have an outside opinion. Although it would be easier if u saw somethings, this is all i got for now, so bare with me.


Okay, well i'm 16, never had a real girlfriend, always really nervous and shy around girls, due to inexperience and never really confident. I guess i have a little bit of a quiet confidence now, but i don't have an outgoing confidence. I am 5'6'', always been the short one, just now becoming taller than some girls, normally i was the same height as the short ones and never near the others, now i'm in the middle.


When i first moved to my new house, it was hard to make and establish friends. Before i moved it had always come easy to me, but here it is not the same. I became real good friends with this guy, but he moved a year after i came here, that was tough. Then i became kinda good friends with this other guy, but he moved a few months later. So during 8th and 9th grade, i didn't really have a grounded friendship with people. Right now i have about 4 good ones, and i'm fine with that, i don't feel the need to make anymore, i'm happy (sometimes) with them. One of them is a girl (the basis of this post) When i first moved here, i met her on the bus and we talked going home (she lives only 5 houses away) This was in 6th grade, my first year up here, and i thought she was kinda cute. Well once middle school started (7th and 8th) i never really saw her.


Fast forward to last year (10th grade). My okay friends (lets call them Alex and Brian) started to hang out with this girl a lot. And i met her again through them. We didn't really hang out still, just talked at school periodically. Anyway, this year we've become closer, i've gotten to know her a lot better and i consider her a really good friend (one of my 4) but i don't hangout with her outside of school, or very rarely. We sit together in math and have spanish together, have common interests, and talk on the phone sometimes.


When homecoming dance came around, i wanted to ask her to it, but i am really nervous about dances. I don't know how to dance and i have no rythmn at all. But i haven't gone to any dances in highschool, so i wanted to go with her. About a week before, we talked on the phone for about 2 hours. Now that i look back on it, she was droppin a lot of hints (at least that's what i think) to ask her to the dance. Things like when i asked who she wants to ask her she said "there isn't anyone that i really wanna go with, just someone i can have fun with and carry on a conversation with" (obviously me, we had a 2 hr conversation and we have fun together) other hints included "us girls have it so much harder, we have to wait for the guy to ask us out." and "I would never ask a guy out, that's what he is supposed to do" and "if u ask a girl i'm sure they'd say yes (while giving me a few compliments) (those are key for later, sorry for the length)


Well i never asked her, long story short, i called her then next night to ask her to it (cuz i couldn't get her alone at school) and she asked if she could call me right back and she never did, and that kinda lost all want for me to go to the dance anymore.


Over the past month, i've gained really strong feelings for her. Up until a few days ago, the only people that knew i liked her more than a friend were another friend and one from were i used to live. So Alex (one of my friends) talks to her on the phone frequently, although it hasn't been as much lately, i actually have talked to her more, but when they talked last, he told me he asked her who she liked. He said that he thinks it's me. He says that there was a little silence, then she said, "i don't know if he likes me, but i don't like him like that" and then when Alex asked who she likes she said "i dont know, i don't really like anyone now."


So next math class after Alex told me all of this, i asked her who she liked, maybe to get a response, as i feel she can tell me more things than she can Alex (i'm a good listener and a good secret keeper, won't tell people personal things) and she said the same thing, how she doesn't really like anyone, but then she said that if she liked someone, that Alex would tell the guy the very next day.


Well a few days later, i told Alex and Brian i liked her, Brian started to pick up on it, and i'm tired of hiding these feelings, although they are hidden for the moment from her. A day before i told Brian, he said that maybe we should hook up, me and the girl, and i said maybe, cuz i didn't want to tell them yet, and then they both said that they think she likes me, but i think they might have been sorta joking, just to see what i'd say, i'm not sure.


I know this isn't very good, i'm sure most of you, if u even read this novel, don't know if she likes me or not. I figure it's a maybe 50-50 shot, maybe better, maybe a little worse. But all i do is think about her, and i plan to tell her how i feel soon, i don't know how or when, just i know i gotta get her alone, which is tough to do anyway, but from what i've told u, do u think i have a good chance. BTW, when we talk, we have good conversations, i think she tells me more personal things than she would anyother guy...not totally sure but pretty sure, i don't know if that helps.


So any outside opinions are needed and appreciated, thanks for reading this extremely long post. I don't know if anything can be materialized from this, so if not i guess this is just a way to write down my feelings, cuz even though i've told my friends i like her, i still have things inside they don't know, and it's tearing me up, i need to tell her how i feel. I just want to know if u guys think she will think the same way, want to be more than friends like i do, or reject me..



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If given a good oppurtunity like this I say go for it...u have to follow your heart and if you don't take the chance with her you could have really lost out on something great! Just call her up on the phone it seems like a good way you two can communticate...and talk to her about it! Honesty is the best policy good luck with whatever choice u make

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Is telling her on the phone really the best thing? She'd have much more respect for you if you told her to her face. I'd be really embaresed and stuff more so if someone told me over a phone. You said she lives 5 doors away? Go and knock for her and ask her if you could go for a walk or something. Then tell her. She might just be saying she doesn't like anyone because she doesn't think you like her? Wants you to make the first move? Or maybe she genuinly doesn't like anyone. Either way your not going to find out by not saying something.

Good Luck.


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^^^^^ that's exactly what i was thinking, about the whole phone thing. It was never my true intention to tell her over the phone, i've always planned to tell her in person.


I figure that u are right, that she either likes me and doesn't want to say it, cuz she will never make the first move (she told me heself) or she just doesn't like anyone, either way, at least i'll know the truth, hopefully soon i get the courage to tell her. Thanks

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if you think about it...yer a junior in high school (i think) you have less than 2 years left! make it the best 2 years you've ever had...sounds like she likes you to me! ask her! what do you have to lose? if you ask her and she says no you are where you were already but if she says yes then you would be one happy guy! there isnt reeli much to lose..wow haha i reeli should follow my own advice..i understand its hard for you to tell her...and if its too hard tell her on the phone..but not on aim or something like that...if she can hear your voice asking her out and telling her how you feel that will make a big difference..even mroe difference if you are there in person staring into her eyes...start off a conversation:

you: hey

her: hi

you: there is something i really have to tell you

her: yes?

you: *look directly into her eyes* i just couldnt keep this to myself forever...i care about you alot...more than just a friend..i love you *say her name*


referring her with her name is a sign of respect and you want to show you respect her alot look into her eyes say her name....its hard to explain..but when you are about to ask her...your heart will guide you in the right direction...i hope this has been some help

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well i would let you know but i can't get her alone for a certain period of time. We were supposed to hangout today after school (we got out at 12:20) and she said she had to do something, but would call me after to hangout, well now it's 4:15 and no call, makes me mad and sad, almost makes me feel that i told her my feelings and she stomped on my heart.

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