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Broke up....he's ignoring me need advice.


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I broke up with my ex about 3 days ago. He told me while we were dating if we ever broke up that he didnt do the back together thing or the friendship thing... A little background he lied to me about his age,where he lived, and what he did for a living so it was extremely hard for me to trust him... He put little effort in and said that he loved me but didnt show it toward the end. I tried talking to him to resolve our problems but he said it was to much, which led me to believe this wasn't going to work so I ended it before it got bad. I wanted to exchange things ASAP to avoid doing it later.. He hasn't responded. Of course I got antsy and texted him that "I loved him and that didnt go away I just felt like he wasn't ready" I didn't get a response. When is it a good time to exchange things, I feeling bad about the break up and need some advice. And do u ever think we will speak again because I do miss him.. Sorry if I sound confusing lol

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Those are good reasons to break up with someone, I mean come on, he lied to you about everything! You fell in love with someone who doesn't even exist.

He's either Not talking to you because he's 1. Embarrassed of lying to you or 2. Not interested anymore.


my best advice, stop talking to him. go no contact. forget this guy, you want someone who's real.

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Those are good reasons to break up wi

th someone, I mean come on, he lied to you about everything! You fell in love with someone who doesn't even exist.

He's either Not talking to you because he's 1. Embarrassed of lying to you or 2. Not interested anymore.


my best advice, stop talking to him. go no contact. forget this guy, you want someone who's real.

If he isn't interested after 3 days that's just cold, and he shouldn't be embarrassed since I stayed with him a a few more weeks after I found out which was my fault, this is a first for me as far as breaking with someone so this is hard for me, I feel bad.

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I think you should just leave him alone. Do you really want those things back or are they an excuse for you to contact/see him? Be honest with yourself about that question. The only thing that seems important is your childhood blanket. If you REALLY feel the need to have it back, maybe send a message saying you really want the blanket back since it was from your childhood and ask him to leave it on your doorstep. That way there does not need to be any contact. As far as his things....who cares. If he wanted it back he'd be asking for it. Just box it up and put it away somewhere. If you do arrange for him to drop off your blanket maybe leave his things in a box for him to take. Again, only do this as a means to get the blanket back, do not use it as a way to see/talk to him. You need to stay NC with this guy.

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I understand but what's the point of keeping his stuff,I don't want it. It's clear that were aren't getting back together so if I see him or not it won't effect me either way. How long should it be before I ask again for exchanging, I don't have to see I just want my stuff back and let him get his stuff and be done.

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Again if it is REALLY about getting your stuff back I guess I'd wait a month. Then send a message explaining you would like to have your blanket (honestly who cares about the perfume) back because it is from your childhood. Ask him if he could please drop it off at your front door, and you will leave his things there for him to pick up as well. Let him know it is not necessary to knock or ring the doorbell. All he needs to do is let you know when to have his things outside. Then leave it at that. If he doesn't respond then forget it and accept that your blanket is gone. As for his stuff, just throw it away if he doesn't respond. Look ahead and never look back again. Good luck!

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