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Confused. Not sure if she likes me or not.


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I met this girl about a week ago. We hung out and watched some movies and stuff and we both had a good time. I've been out of town the past week and things have felt kinda different. She and I were talking yesterday and she asked me if I was comfortable with her and I said I was cause I liked her. I asked her if either of those things bothered her and she said "No. It's okay". Maybe I'm just generalizing here, but every time I hear those words I feel like I'm screwed. She said she wanted to hang out with me tomorrow. Are things actually okay here or am I just thinking too much?

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Sounds like things are okay, but you're sensing her caution and she's sensing yours. If she's worth it, just keep following course to see were things go. If you invest in helping her feel more comfortable with you, she'll likely reciprocate and you'll thank yourself. Do what you can to stop reading tea leaves, and try to relax.

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