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New relationship, don't want to screw it up. Advice would be welcome!


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A little bit of a background first. I'm 24, very inexperienced with dating I've only ever had one girlfriend and that was back when I was 17, and it only lasted 3 months. I fell for her too quick and she wasn't "ready" for what I had to offer. I have always been considered a shy and very nice person, but have never had any luck at making someone my girlfriend until now. I'm also inexperienced when it comes to matters of sex, but I don't know how much that will affect things at the moment. My problem is I have a tendency to fall really deep for a person when I care about them, and I really don't want to become a needy, clingy person and drive this girl away. She's very special to me.


So my girlfriend and I have been dating for a little over a month, and have been "official" for a few weeks now. It's been amazing, we talk to each other everyday and we normally see each other around 3-4 times a week. We enjoy each others company, we always cuddle and kiss and we've fooled around a bit but haven't had sex yet because she wants to take things slow. She says I always make her smile and make her feel really special, and she loves how much respect I show for her. We have very similar interests and we can talk about anything. However, over the last few days I feel like I'm starting to do what I used to and fall really hard for her, and I'm also feeling like she's not as excited as she has been before =(. I'm not sure it's entirely a bad thing, but I don't want to become a needy and clingy boyfriend. I find I feel a little twinge in my stomach when something doesn't feel right and it makes me start to panic a little bit.


I really don't want to mess everything up. This girl means a lot to me. Like I said I'm not experienced with relationships, but I want to find a balance where I can still be a great boyfriend and have an amazing time with her, without seeming all needy and clingy. Can anyone please help?

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Just slow your roll, man.


Move at your own pace, let her move at hers. She has a life to live aside from being with you, make sure you let her do that without getting that panic twinge.


It's hard, but eventually it'll work itself out... new relationships are always a little difficult, figuring out how to act, just be yourself, don't control her, and gauge how she reacts to things. Just trust her.

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