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breakup recovery kit

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Friends. They are the best. The good ones will listen to you no matter what time of day or night.

Counselling for a objective opinion. Unlike friends they won't like call your ex bad names and say they were no good for you anyway

Keep busy -- don't sit around and stew. Take a class, start a hobby, anything but sitting for hours in front of the tube.

Rent funny movies -- not sappy love stories

Treat yourself -- new haircut, new outfit, new xBox game

Go to gym, or take up running or any form of exercise

I try to go an entire day without mentioning his name now, that seems to help. Start with an hour, then work your way up from there. It's like a game. Maybe I should put a dollar in a jar everytime I say his name.

Cry. Crying physically gets rid of excess hormones in your system (it's scientific), and hormones can be produced by emotions. You will feel better.

Sleep and eat. You need your strength now.

Journal -- write down everything you feel and keep it to read later.

Take a vacation and get away -- visit a friend somewhere or just lie on the beach for a week.

Avoid your ex. NC is the only way.

Just don't go into denial. You will survive. Take it from someone who knows.

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I was thinking two months ago when we almost broke up that I would go visit my best frined who has been living in Cold Lake Alberta with her bf who is in the airforce.. I missher and I havent seen her in awhile, nor have I ever been to Alberta.... I just got a job though... Its not my normal type of job.. its just a crappy cashier job while I am waiting... but I really dont know how I will start this job tomorrow now that my bf broke up with me yesterday...


I am sort of still in denial... because he has said in the past when he is mad that he wants to break up.. and thats what happened yesterday but he told me to get the heck out of his place so maybe it was real....

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If you have a new bike then just go out and ride it for a couple of hours without stopping, chanel all your anger and depression into pedaling as hard as possible.

This will be good for your body, your heart, and your mind. Your muscles will relax, and all the tensions will just lift away...


And by the time you get home, you will be too tired to even think about the break up or other negative things, this works for me.

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when u get dumped, hurt, or ur ego is damaged by that guy or girl u've been seeing, what helps u get back on track? i wanna make a breakup recovery kit for my friend who just got dumped and i bet all u guys have some good ideas. bring it on!


Well, I like walking home from college (instead of taking the subway). I think about things while I walk and may feel a bit sad but when I arrive I feel better!

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i dont think im a good candidate for advice on how to survive a breakup because i keep torturing myself by trying to get him back despite all the pain he has caused me but...........these are the things that keep me going to work and surviving the heartache.


(1) Family - you need to be around people who love you. when you break up you feel so rejected, thinking all the time about all the things you did wrong that may have caused them to not love you anymore. Family love is a positive force that reminds you of who you were before you met that person, the happy loveable person they know.


(2) Going out with your friends - even though this is the last thing you want to do, you need to force yourself to do this! seeing other people out and about reminds you that there is a world full of fish out there (even if you're not interested in catching any of them) and one day you will want one of those other fish...........it reminds you that there are happy people out there and you can be one of them too.


(3) Watching movies & reading books with romantic plots - although this is probably self torturous i take comfort in doing it sometimes because it helps me see, again, that there is happiness for couples that are right for each other. plus i find that crying helps me feel better, releases tension that is constantly building up.


(4) Take this time to be kind to yourself - some people are always self sacrificing for others, be selfish now and do whatever you want to do. if getting a massage or going shopping will help you feel better temporarily, do it (just dont get into debt).


(5) Go to work!!!!!! - this is the one that is most likely to suffer when you break up with someone but suprisingly, my mum was right, it takes your mind off things for a while. i have this bad habit of getting bar jobs when i break up with a guy (for weekends) so that im surrounded by people in a party atmosphere and people flirt with you so you feel a little lighter of heart. silly, i know but it works and you make money at the same time to fuel your shopping fixes during the week.


(6) Avoid alcohol - i have learnt this the hard way. have been drunk on one too many occasions and found myself on his front porch trying to get in, sets you back big time and he is usually not going to refuse you throwing yourself at him so you will feel even worse the next day because your situation hasnt changed but you slept with him and feel really cheap.


(7) If you can afford it go on a holiday by yourself (after the initial breakup period) - some soul searching is a good idea, go to places that are less fortunate than your country, it is a humbling experience meeting people who have next to nothing but are happy anyway. it makes you see how small your worries are in the grand scheme of the world. i went to thailand and loved it......came back with a great tan too and a few good friends were made. gives you a sense of freedom, releases that tied down feeling that a breakup gives you, that defeated feeling.


anyway these are just some things that helped me, not sure if they will be useful to you because everyone has their own way of dealing with things.

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Seriously, the best thing I think, is to face all the fears that you have. Such as sleeping by yourself at night. If there is a movie you are afraid to watch because your not sure of what kind of mood it will put you in-watch it. Listen to those songs. workout at tht gym, ride that bike, walk that dog. Once you gret into the mode of facing the fears, your self esteem rises immensely, and then your coping skills do as well. Trust me. I will be aking my own advice, because it worked in the past, and it will work again. As long as you do things to help yourself, you will get much much better.

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