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Any good books on parental abandonment and how to deal with it and heal?

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I have realized my core issue is abandonment from my father. I self medicated and acted out in many ways to rid the pain. Have any of you read any good books related to this topic? I now realize that when my ex gf left me she triggered the old feelings I had of abandonment, self worth and self esteem. It really was not about her. You may ask how I know that. Because when I had her and was secure and was not sure I wanted her but when she left I felt all these emotions of which I now realize were emotions of fear and pain that I attributed to as love for her.


The crayziest part is that I kept chasing after her thinking that if I could get her back the pain would go away. I think if I did the pain would have gone away for the time being. But that was not the real issue. As soon as she would have left again they would have come back.

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