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My parents hate me! HELP! Life is screwed!

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My parents hate me! My dad kicks me and my mum just always screams at me. My mum's an alcoholic and she smokes heaps. My dad says he wants out.

Life is just completely stuffed for me! I don't have many friends, and those that I do have, I can't really talk to about serious things.

I really like guys but none seem to be looking at me!

Sometimes I feel the only thing to do is die.

I've slit my wrists, starved myself, choked myself..but always backed out at the last minute.

Please someone help!

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My friends kids are going through the same thing. They have no real friends, the mother is a crackhead and the father an abusive drunk and the mothers boyfriends are crackheads too. Their lives are stuffed too.


Sorry you are going through. Just stand strong...what doesn't kill us only makes us stronger. Don't try hurting yourself...in a couple of years you can get out of their way and pick up your pieces and move on. As you get older more guys will take notice of you.


Hang in there.


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Please, get a mentor quickly. Ring the helpline, you know the one. Please, DO NOT hurt yourself and be very weary of any older man who says he loves you. Seek a mentor, a female who is older. Try the helpline, its free, they can get you a social worker, ask for a female and tell her EVERYTHING!


You need more than the type of help this site will provide you. You have a possible 74 wonderful years ahead of you. If your Father literally kicks you, abuse, NOT ACCEPTABLE AND NOT YOUR FAULT...OKAY?


PLEASE, do what I said, kids helpline in Australia and take it from there. You had the gumption to seek help, now just go that extra step. It is confidential and will help. If you dont know the number, ring 1223 and ask for the number.

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Thanks...but I would feel wrong to ring people about the way I am treated..a sort of betrayal maybe!

I don't know..all is confusing!

Do you have any tips on approaching a guy who camps at the same place as me at Christmas? I've been after him for like 3 years now!

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i sorta understand what ur going throught bcuz almost the same thing is going on with me...is there another family member..Grandmother aunt uncle some1 that u might be able to talk to about mayb gettin out of ur house ur young u shouldnt have to go throught that....and if u cant get out talk to a school counsler mayb they can recooment u and ur partends to family cousiling or talk to ur parents mayb it will help out....i hope everything works out and killing ur self is not the answer it will only make every1 elses life harder...think abouyt the ppl that love u





If u need ne more advice PM me

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not at, all!!! if someone is hurting you, it is wrong. Dont YOU be feeling bad. Don't let that go on buddy, it will damage the good person you should turn out to be if your body and mind are being violated mentaly, physically or sexualy


Help phone lines are something for people like you to utalize. Please do

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