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first time making out...tips for future?

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my mom and my sister both went out tonight...and i cant drive so i was stuck at home... and so my boyfriend ((who can drive... but cant legally have passengers yet...)) came over, and i gave him his first kiss thursday night... and tonight, we tried making out, ((id never done that)) it was .. wow. haha. he was on top of me the whole time ((maybe about 20 minutes)) and we would do some diff things with our hands or id rub my leg against his. but i was wondering, what could i do to make it more fun for him? like... ive heard about sucking on an ice cube before..but thats about all. any ideas?




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Well the whole thing with the ice cube is because it'll make your mouth already moist and wet...thats good....but drinking water will do... Good tasting lip gloss is good.... You can' try different things like gound fast or going slow.....Try putting your tongue as far in as possible the push against his and go in circles......Then you can do a thing like a petting like thingy were you..okay imagine your tongue a hand petting his hand...like your licking his tongue but inside, press hard and itll like message his tongue...it feels good.....yes other physcial contact.... like putting your hands and feeling his back and chest...under shirt also....Put your hands on his face ( like in movies ) that works too.....rubbing your hands up in down on his arms.. the leg thing good idea...By the way don't make out too much.. it'll ruin it and you'll get sick of it quick...

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Hey, great thing that i absolutely love is if you can manage it so you are kinda on top of him and slowly (while kissin him) work ur hand from his knee up the inside of his leg, right to the top then back down again, don't do it for too long otherwise it will be boring..but yeah, might work you should be able to tell if it does

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strangly enough kissing is kinda instinctive, dont think about it to much while your doing it or else it will be obvious that you are infact thinking to much. just to spice things up you can suck on his earlobe(as odd as that sounds) its one of the hottest things you can do!!!!!! light kisses on the neck are good too just remember that making out doesnt always mean lip to lip. try new things and dont worry if your doing it right or wrong its the best thing you can do trust me

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Don't you think its a little hard making out with someone will kissing there earlobes?? haha yea that does sound weird i think i would wonder what you were doing if my girlfriend was doing that... i don't know it might work though i guess it all depends on how expermental he is...... but, i guess at this point everything is new huh?? Yea might as well give it a try

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  • 8 months later...
Hey, great thing that i absolutely love is if you can manage it so you are kinda on top of him and slowly (while kissin him) work ur hand from his knee up the inside of his leg, right to the top then back down again, don't do it for too long otherwise it will be boring..but yeah, might work you should be able to tell if it does


You said it.

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