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i need advice and help

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k so i got with my gf a week ago and we dont seem to do stuff we only say hi to each other when we pass by each other or sometimes hug so anyway today i went to a school dance and she doesnt really talk 2 me i dont know y o and did i mention im her first BF yeah so she wuz dancin with three of my friends and we didnt and how do i du stuff how du i approach her please tell me i need help

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aw, you're only 13! Thats cute.


I think you're both just shy and this is your first relationship so you don't know ho to talk to each other.


Maybe you could get her phone number and call her. Ask eachother questions like what her favorite food or movies are.


Maybe you could invite her to go to a movie or the mall or the park with you so that you two can hang out without pressure from eachother's friends.


Good luck!

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