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Any tips to get a conversation started?

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were in the same boat...i can start conversations...but i cant figure out if he likes me...but ask the guy about sports and stuff...iv had my share of guys and sports... ...butjust b casual...have a thought procces aboutn wat ur about 2 say....mayb practicing in front of a mirror would help...i kno that sounds soooooo corny...but it may help...hope i could help!

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i for one can tell when a girl is strainging to talk to me or when she actually has something to say. when i know a girl is talking to me just to flirt, she might be asking good questions but really isn't listening for an answer or doesn't carry on the conversation on that topic. pick one topic that you can ride with, set it up with small talk. if you can get an interesting topic on the court, it can change based on each person's knowledge or ideas and thus become a bit more interesting and personally engaging. have fun with it.

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Just find out what he is interested in, Me, Im restoring my first car right now, and I race dirtbikes, so if a girl says anything bout that stuff, Im hooked, instant turn on. I think its pretty much safe to say, if u talk to a guy about cars, its gonna go good, cuz even if u dont liek cars, u have definatly got his attention and he will think about u in a cetain way (It works on me! ) I dont know if all guys are intersted in dirtbikes, but just find out what they like, (here is some very important advice, if u talk about cars, and u know nothing about them, dont pretend u do, nothing is worse than a girl talking to me abotu them, and not knowing what the heck she is talking about, likw when im talking abotu performanc eand stuff like that, just talk abotu different types of cars, ) If u know about cars and can talk about anything abotu them all i have to say is...drool. that would be awesome well I hoped that helped.

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