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Asperger syndrome (AS), also known as Asperger's syndrome or Asperger disorder, is an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) that is characterized by significant difficulties in social interaction, alongside restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests. It differs from other autism spectrum disorders by its relative preservation of linguistic and cognitive development. Although not required for diagnosis, physical clumsiness and atypical (peculiar, odd) use of language are frequently reported.

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The members on here could share the symptoms with you, but none of us can diagnose your son. The only person who can is a doctor.


Actually, a better choice would be a child psychologist that specializes in differential diagnosis in the area of autism, as well as other factors that might be in play. And your pediatrician as well.


How old is your son, pnoy?


Some of the behavior of your son may simply be because of what your ex put you guys through.


However, I do believe my son has Aspergers - the psychologist said he was just 2 points away from a formal diagnosis of Aspergers, and neighbors and family that had children with autism (not knowing we had him assessed) kept remarking how similar he was to their children and had we ever thought about Aspergers.


It really doesn't matter so much, they are who they are - and my son has gifts and intelligence in some areas and social deficits/quirkiness in other areas. Never a dull moment around here! His doctor said that he is simply wired a bit differently but that although school may be a bit difficult, in the long run it can be a true gift depending on which profession he might choose.


Many folks with Aspergers will choose careers in more cut and dry and black and white professions: engineering, accounting, math, computers, etc.


I read somewhere that there is a possibility that Autism/Aspergers is connected to a gluten intolerance. I have always suspected that it is genetic plus some kind of digestive issue, but I never could pinpoint what my son was sensitive to, except for dairy. He is lactose intolerant.


Children with Aspergers and Autism need clear and consistent rules and directions, structure, a predictable schedule, and lots and lots of love and positive reinforcement! They may need extra training in courtesy, manners, and empathy, since it is often difficult for them to understand beyond their own world. They need patience on your part, and - did I say lots and lots of love?!


Children with Aspergers may also have very heightened senses - my son has hyper-sensitive hearing, is very sensitive to light, was very sensitive to taste, texture, touch and feeling especially when young. I had to be very careful about which clothes I got him because any little bump or scratch he felt then he would not wear it! He didn't wear anything with buttons or zippers the first 10 years of his life. I finally had to explain to him that big boys don't wear elastic-waisted pants so they don't make them anymore - and he finally accepted it. I had to only get a certain brand of socks that didn't have seams that bothered him (we used Gymboree socks for the longest time- and they never wore out- but now he is adult sized and has grown more tolerant and chooses normal clothing).


My son is very interested in the sciences, linguistics, and computers. He is sometimes a bit blunt socially and doesn't understand why he has offended someone. Still working on that, lol! But he is thinking of going into international studies so that he can make a difference in the world. So proud of him! And I never would have pictured him where he is now, nor would his teachers have.


I think he burned out each and every teacher he had along the way... they tried extremely hard for him, but they were so weary at the end of the year. I always got them a nice gift or gift card at the end of the year.


His teachers all remember him, though. He has definitely made an impression with them.


Good luck with your son.

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Hi Limunousone, I dont think it has anything to do with my ex my son is 20yrs old he has ADHD, he needs clear instructions and structure which i try to give him his behaviour can become un controlable at times but seems to be getting better he doesnt like it when i say no to him if he wants me to do something for him, my ex hated him for the way he use to treat me but my son is my world and i know he finds things difficult he is dyslexic aswell


if we go somewere new he has to know who will be there because he gets anxious his concentration isnt very good and i have to give him clear instructions all the time he is very forgetfull, and if he does something wrong he doesnt see it as a big deal he kinda shrugs it off

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