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does age matter

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I found out my ex who is 47 yrs old is with a 31 yr old feel gutted but trying to get on with my life she has two young children, but my ex smokes weed and takes cocaine he has done this for 25 yrs but he may have given up which is unlikley


I often wonder how long this relationship will last because as far as i know people who take drugs put drugs before any thing

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You are missing the person he could have been and wishing he could have changed for you.


You are free of the mess he brought to the table - free!


Who knows if he has changed or not ( I bet he has not).


But he is with someone else now. And it is best if you concentrate on dating someone new.


Letting go can be a long process.


Keep working on letting go...

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I found out my ex who is 47 yrs old is with a 31 yr old feel gutted but trying to get on with my life she has two young children, but my ex smokes weed and takes cocaine he has done this for 25 yrs but he may have given up which is unlikley


I often wonder how long this relationship will last because as far as i know people who take drugs put drugs before any thing

How old are you? Why would you care who he is dating and if their relationship lasts? he can date whoever he wants.

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In regards to the age thing, i don't think that matters too much.

However, the drugs thing isn't going to just go away like that. My ex also took cocaine regularly when he would drink. It exasperates all his bad faults, and gives him a worse temper than he already has. Although it calmed down a LOT recently, i heard his new girlfriend takes it with him sometimes when they party. So i am sure it will escalate at some point.

And yet i hardly drink and never take drugs, and to be honest i used to despair over it. So it's more reason as to why i wouldn't allow a man in my life again who is a regular coke user. Really is too much stress.



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I think it can matter , but in your situation it... should not matter . You shouldn't be dwelling on this at all Pnoy...try and be kinder to yourself

I found out my ex who is 47 yrs old is with a 31 yr old feel gutted but trying to get on with my life she has two young children, but my ex smokes weed and takes cocaine he has done this for 25 yrs but he may have given up which is unlikley


I often wonder how long this relationship will last because as far as i know people who take drugs put drugs before any thing

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