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Why do i feel this way?

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Ever since i can remember i have been in a relationship of some sort. For the past few months I have been purposily staying out of relationships. I am in college so you think that i would want to find someone to be with to express my thoughts and feelings. Since the first couple months of school i have had many girls come up and try to talk to me but I always end up blowing them off. These are girls that I (at first glance find physically attractive) would have no problem dateing a few months ago. I don't know why this sudden onset of avoidence has come over me, and i wish that it would pass. I am scared that the next few years will be lonely as far as finding someone to love. Now i fear that blowing these girls off has runied any chance of getting to know them better, i feel really bad about what i did to them.


If anyone has any ideas of why i could be blowing these girls off it would be very helpful.

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Is this your first year of college? Maybe subconsciously you realize you want some "me" time to experience your new environment. If you've always been in a relationship, it's not a bad idea to take a year off from them.


As for the girls talking to you, why blow them off? At least be friendly with them and then maybe down the road, something might develop. It's ok to actually have platonic friendships with females.

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