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Funny and Weird Habits of Your Pets


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Sometimes if my dog does something he knows he shouldn't - like eat the cats food - and I tell him off, he makes a type of doggie muttering sound. Then I say "Don't talk back to me you insolent dog" He'll mutter again only for a shorter period of time and softer. This goes on between us for shorter mutterings, then finally he will plonk himself down on the door mat and sigh.


I love the rabbit story!

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I had a kitty, Max, and he was my little buddy! I adore all my pets, but Max and I had a very special connection. He was 18 three years ago when we had to have him put down


On a lighter note, when I was a kid he used to sit in my doorway at 9 o'clock at night, every night, howeling and mewing to tell me to come to bed! When I layed down, he would kneed the bed to make it soft then cuddle beside me. As I got older, he continued to do the same thing, only later at night lol

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  • 2 months later...

At the moment, I'm a little paranoid about spiders as there are a lot about where I live with the hot weather, and around 2 years ago, I got several bites from whitetail spiders and was quite ill. As well, last week, a very large spider found it's way onto a shirt I put on, and I thought it was feeling a bit of hay in my clothing and was aghast when I found a large hairy spider come out with the shirt. Tonight I felt something crawling under my dressing gown, and pulled it off quickly, and flicked my hand over my back . My little doggie was watching and he went over, picked up what just turned out to be a beetle with his mouth. Then he brought it over to my feet and placed it there as if to say: "Here Mum, it's just a beetle."


I've been buying my cat some Royal Canin Oral Care complete food and Royal Canin for Picky Eaters. I've been told by a vet that it is scented with some type of fish product which makes it taste and smell very good to cats. Well, it appears my dog goes crazy for the smell of it also. I will only give him a little as the fat content is too high for a dog. For quite some time each night when he would see me give it to the cat, he would beg for me to give him some. When I wouldn't give it to him, he would get so upset, he would shake and cry. Then when that didn't work, he would get very annoyed and make these sniffy and snorty sounds just like a person who is very, very annoyed. Then he would go lie down on his stomach with his chin on the ground looking very sad. I'm sure he couldn't work out why in his eyes, I was giving the cat preferential treatment to him. The injustice of it!

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